Scott J S Oxford.Ox Shaffer A R Wellington ..70 Milligan W A South Haven.Ge Watkins Flora B comp The Leader r 406 s Blaine LADIES FURNISHINGS Davis Milton E r 1117 w Lincoln Wilson Elijah R wf Dora M painter r 424 s Olive Miller John A wf Nellie carp B & B Santa Fe r 1202 e Lincoln strictly first-class work. Ball D W Campbell J N Greenman W L Caldwell.Cald Surplus Fund $25,000. Light Henry Millerton.Ill Jackson PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Front Fly. Owens Dr F M Andrews T W Charlesworth J E lab Wellington Milling & Elev Co Doughty C A Conway Spgs 1________Ill Lagget Sidney lab rms 308 s Washn Oldridge John Argonia.Dix Burcham. WELLINGTON, KANSAS RHODES &. Denney G A Wellington.Jk Palmer James Webb genl del clk PO r Washn se cor 19th Manufacturer of Rectors Horseradish Cook Maude F student r 823 n C 11 Lewis Ancel O student r 408 e 7th Glasgow W V Wellington.Gr Southern Kansas Mutual Insurance Co 116 w Harvey A J McManis pres A A Richardson sec A. J. ALEX HOWE, Prop. Kay Geo T Conway Spgs.Spg JAMIESON THOS H DR 2d floor Security Bank bldg tel 115 hours 1 to 4 p m Left Side Lines. CARRINGTON WM A 114-116 e Lincoln tel 150 also farmers phone G. L. HYGH, Mir. Buresh Edw Caldwell 4.B1 Our ine of ART GOODS is complete RENTAL AND LOAN AGENTSOFFICES IN LUENINC BLOCK RURAL PHONE INO. Murray Pauline student r 210 n F WELCH FRANK wf Emma (Welch Hunt & Co) r 902 s C Boyle Mamie waiter New Arlington Hotel Freeman G L South Haven.S H Office over Security State Bank. Miller Mary A tchr r 1001 s Jefferson Right Side Lines. Borders Finley M mgr real estate dept John T Stewart Estate r 323 w Harvey Webster L L & Co (L L Webster) real estate 2d fl Security Bank bldg Ellswick Jacob Caldwell.Cald A. Walton Land Investment Co. Herbig B B Paton David SONDERUP G D 115 e Harvey tel 385 Phone 104. Ellsworth Warren S wf Clara R Wellington Gro Co r 216 n Jefferson TreasurerMark Tulley. Monley R Leo student r 413 e 3d Cole John Grider G H Kelsey B F Rucker O E Newly Furnished, New Management and all Modern Conveniences. Coverdale Harvey 110 s Washn Hines W H Ashton.Wal Bechtel Elzie Clearwater 3.Ill 66 Gelino Wm wf Helen S propr Gelino Hdw Co r 820 n Olive Funderburk J Caldwell 4.Bl Kline John Milan.Ry Hurst W G Phenix Henry W. E. O. Offices in Court House, phone No. Carrier No. Wainscott L F Clearwater.(Lon Ware M H Wellington.Jk Ames J L 203 n Washn Roady Wm Caldwell 4.Bl Rogers W C Mulvane 1.B P JAMIESON T H DR Popplewell L D Wellington 6_Gr Prilliman D Wellington.76 BARBERS Myers B E Wellington 6.Gr Lyons Chas U cook Hunters Cafe rms 120 1/2 n Washn Perkins G R Smith N D Do.Downs Twp. Hackney Hiram G wf Millie G pres Aetna Milling & Elev Co r 124 n B Clodfelter J C Belle Plaine.Pal Roser Mary E wid Edw r 224 s H Trautwein A G Bradshaw T H 176 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Barnes Etta M r 1204 s G LUMBER DEALERS ROCK ISLAND RESTAURANT 211 s Washn we pay you $100.00. Romig W A & Sons (W A U G &W G Romig) tinners 103 e Lincoln Bradley B M Wellington 3.Su Olmstead John R r 214 s Blaine Ruddle Otis B wf Etta L brake Santa Fe r 222 w Harvey MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS. Owens J A Tillotson G 380 Wellington, Kansas Hall Chas Wellington..Well Davis Jno A Milan.Ry Asst. Tracy Clara wid Wm r Cherry cor Mill Dillon Asa L wf Clara C r 404 s C McManis Scottie C tchr r 629 s F Nance Jane wid John r 415 e 1st Wykes John Crabtree Dewitt. 108 S. Washington PHONE 92 Wellington, Kansas Hull C E Mayfield 1.0s Steele & Spindel 218 s Washn ENGLE RANDAL K wf Maude L auditor Hunter Milling Co r 321 s G ALL KINDS OF GOOD COAL, LIME AND CEMENT W. R. McLAUGHLAN, Local Manager, phone 20. I. OUR LINE OF ART GOODS IS COMPLETE Kern Paul Perth.Do 118 1-2 N. Washington Ave. Wellington, Kansas Dunham Sheldon T wf Mary J train dispeh Santa Fe r 801 s Washn PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. MASSEY WILBUR M wf Mary A supt of city schools office Third Ward School bldg office hours 8:30 to 9:30 a m tel 193 r 304 e 12th tel 262 36 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Cummins W A Geuda Spgs l.Wal SELLERS F W 106 n Washn tel 393 Brinkley Geo Peck.Lon PAINTS OILS & GLASS McKinney W M Milan.Ry Hatfield A A Belle Plaine l.Pal Burton James clk div frt agt Santa Fe rms 318 n C Wellington Plumbing Co. Russell Roy F r 615 n A Phone 104. Edmondson Wm Frank wf Ella carp r 823 w 7th One dollar will start an account. Showers H W Geuda Spgs.Wal Jenesta J V Caldwell 3.Bl Henry John Mead G G Holt Thomas Tuttle James STUBBS HARRIETT stenog Security State Bank r 304 e 7th Donaldson Cora M tchr r 1003 n A Aliment E E Brown J W 13 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Christie W L Conway Spgs.Spg Tritt Alfred G student r 704 s G MRS. M. E. BRUNSON Cashier VOILS WM T wf Lottie M v pres Hunter Milling Co r 923 s Washn tel 159 Bain Experience wid Sami r 316 n F Jackson A B Corbin.Do Heating-Gas Fitting Sears Oliver rms 212 s C Harrelson James F wf Julia live stk 313 e Lincoln r 512 n F Bradshaw H M Conway Spgs.Con Rossell H L South Haven.S H Sanders F M Wellington.76 Harper M Milan..Ch MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS. Richards Carrie tel opr Farmers Mutual Tel Co r 624 s G USE HUNTERS CREAM FLOUR. Oathout J Mayfield 2.Os Skaggs D R Perth.Do Cowden J S Ashton.Wal WALTON I A LAND INVESTMENT CO 217 n Washn tel 578 WALTON L ALICE 217 n Washn tel 578 Hubbs A H Geuda Spgs 2.Wal Webka Frank cooper b 103 s B Fox Noble G wf Olive Mae farmer r 316 s C and Licensed Plumbers Murphy Wm E trav r 123 n G Brian J C --------- Deputy County AttorneyH. Kirkpatrick F Milton.Ed June W H Udall.Go J. H. Tegder, W. P.; S. H. Thomas, P. W. P.; Chas. Adair D W Davis W P Reitzel A M Rev wf Eva A pastor English Lutheran Church r 208 w 9th WELLINGTON, KANS. SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS Weekley Frank Portland.Ge Whealy W G Wellington.Av Bohanna Dorothy wid Sidney r 406 s F 67 Fisher Rose wid Michael r 1003 n A Fisher Susan C wid Leman C r 512 n Washn Front Fly. Riley R T carp rms 207 1/2 n Washn Farm and City Property a Specialty. Mumford Wm J wf Rosita packer Aetna Mills r 401 w 10th Shirdan R E Belle Plaine 2.B P Shoemaker S S Wellington.76 Laughlin Tim Mayfield.Os EighthElm st. Meade Cyrena wid Richard dress mkr r 103 s B LONG-BELL LUMBER CO. SIKi TEL. 164 Sides Dora M student r 111 n Jefferson Graham Breakfast Food, Meal, Chop, Mill Feed. Clark Wm E wf Effie r 500 e 4th M. T. Turner, Prop. Swearinger .1 \v Botkin Laura milliner Mrs M E Brunson r 1014 s Washn McCann James wf Laura foreman B & B Santa Fe r 625 n Washn Gardiner J C Wellington.Well Dintaman Belinda wid Ross r 410 n B Pipe, Farm Drain Tile, Etc. Moore Fred Belle Plaine 1.Pal Clark Wm Milton.Ed Brown W M Milan.Ry TICHENOR C M bonded abstracter only this and nothing more 116 w Harvey tel 154 45-57 P. O. Arcade, 96 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Beatie J C Mayfield l.Su Farming Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Headers, Rose W V Mayfield 2.Os Salliday C M Corbin.Falls All property owners in the City of Wellington must annually register their properties prior to January 1 each year. ROCK ISLAND LUMBER AND GOAL CO. LONG-BELL LUMBER CO. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER DEALERS Hurt Wm M wf Minnie r 624 w 8th Wellington, Kansas STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. Bussard Paul Oxford.Ox Hunter ParkWalnut, se cor. COPYING AND ENLARGING McMillan J O Belle Plaine.Pal Chief of PoliceC. PalestineThos. Bechtel John Conway Spgs 1Ill Pugh Dollie E r 513 n C Renick Minnie A reporter The Daily Mail r 403 w Lincoln AND BUILDERS MATERIAL. Barnett M E Milan.Spg Barker A J Hicks W R Shelley Arthur Unsell Hi C WELCH-HUNT & COMPANY, Real estate Hallam Edw F fireman Santa Fe rms 205 1/2 s Washn Green T A Neal Edw J BUSSARD BERT A 2d floor Marble blk tel 151 office hours 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p m Calvert John W wf Agnes driver Albert Russell r 420 w Harvey Ebersole William Conway Spgs.Con WELLINGTON ICE & COLD STORAGE CO G se cor 1st phone 165 farmers phone 22 S H Thomas pres H W Glamann sec and treas PERRY E. MILLER The Leading optician Of Sumner County M. Miller, (Rep.) Council Grove, 4th District. Martin Joseph Clearwater 3.Ill Meeker lone Belle Plaine 3.Har Harris B S Hutson E W Phone 316. BILLARDS AND POOL 123 W. Harvey. Hardwick Joseph S wf Alice A boiler mkr Santa Fe r 1103 e Lincoln MACY LURTEN P wf Myrtle E propr Star Livery & Feed Stable r 416 n F 11Meets every Friday eve in K. of P. hall. 127 Greer Rush (e) wf Lizzie lab r 1013 w 4th Second8th st. Peyton Joseph C mach Santa Fe b 1120 e 4th Conway Alma milliner Rogers Millinery Co r 215 e Harvey THE LAND MEN. Nelson Warren H wf Virginia B cond Santa Fe r 304 s H SECOND FLOOR SECURITY BANK BUILDING. W. H. BURKS, CashierW. George Matilda F Mrs maid Arlington Hotel r 707 n C L. J. FRENCH C. E. HITCHCOCK R. W. HITCHCOCK Skinner J F Udall.Go Smith Floyd Caldwell Cald Wellington, Kans. Hubbard Wilbur M student r 1023 e 4th Carson I N South Haven.Ge McBeth S A Jr Perth.Do Wellington, Kansas Black Albert wf Anna A car rep Santa Fe r 405 s Olive ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING. 114 and 116 EAST LINCOLN AVE., PHONE 150 WELLINGTON, KANSAS WELCH-HUNT & COMPANY, Real estate Hawkins Mary wid John L r 121 e 10th Biggs W R Caldwell.Cald Boan E A Geuda Spgs l.Wal THOMPSON & HARPER TRANSFER COMPANIES TwelfthBotkin st. Where You Will Find a Good Square Meal Cooked to Suit You Smith Edw C r 706 n A Parker E F Mayfield 1.Os GLAMANN BROS. COAL AND ICE E. Denton. Bowers Albert Eugene wf Jennie V sec John T Stewart Estate r 324 e 9th FEED AND SALE STABLE Tel. Phonos; Office, No. Smiths Drug Store Paints and Wall Paper Fine China Wellington, Kansas Scott Frank Argonia.Dix Seward Ray Portland 1 Gr Donahue J K Portland l.Gr Wellington, Kansas Pierson Chester Conway Spgs 1..Ill Potter John Wellington ..76 Ate Walter r Plum ne cor 13th Phone 104. PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. RHODES & WATSON (Frank Rhodes W E Watson) proprs New Arlington Hotel Harvey nw cor Washn tel 158 McClintock J L Clearwater 3.Ill Van Gundy Wm A Rev wf Elizabeth r 324 s G City ordinances applying to zoning, planning and building, are enforced by Building/Codes/Zoning staff. paints and Wall Paper FINE CHINA Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer 121 East Harvey. McKeown Berl Wellington.Well They pay you interest. WELCH-HUNT & COMPANY, Real estate WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Bury C Conway Spgs.Spg Mickley Wesley Perth.Do RepresentativesJohn A. Jeffries, South Haven, Kas. SPARR JOHN R 108 n Washn tel 443 ESTABLISHED MAY 20,1872 PHONE 135 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Wellington, Kansas. Manufactured by Heston J H Peck.Lon CAMPBELL JOHN G wf Philena A editor and propr The Monitor Press r 321 e 10th WELLINGTON, KANS. RECTOR E T Flack James South Haven.Ge Hukle R J Peck.Lon FireRussell, Sargent and Gelino. COBEAN HARRY L DR 103 1/2 s Washn tel 351 farmers phone 5 office hours 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m Wellington Payne J E 119 e Lincoln WELLINGTON, KANSAS RHODES WATSON, Props. SMOKE HOUSE THE 110 1/2 s Washn tel 286 TELEPHONE 154 McManis A J Wellington 6.Gr Smiths Drug Store Robinson Gladys L student r 715 w 8th BAILEYS STUDIO 121/2 s Washn over Gambrills tel 333 Hillebrecht Chas Peck.Lon Nugent EP CITY OF BELLE PLAINE, Smith's Drug Store Dunn Wm T Wellington.. l.Har Randall Chas Dalton.Av Rhinehart G H Conway Spgs.Con Ge..Guelph Twp. SPARR B F ; J. S. Dey, sec. Fry John P wf Lucretia S retd r 504 n Poplar Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. 1 - 6 p.. Buchanan J N Argonia.Mor Bush Lewis Edw engr Santa Fe r 518 e Lincoln FRENCH HITCHCOCK & SON 111-113 n Washn tel 103 and City BuildingHarvey, nw cor. Hawk F M Johnson A G Payne Milton E r 721 e 4th Anthony Geo M Peck.Lon 116 West Harvey Ave. =:= Phone 154 Carry in stock a full line of Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer 121 East Harvey. GLINES' STUDIO UP-TO-DATE-WORK HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Washn sw cor 7th tel 188 Groh John Caldwell.Cald Watkins H Argonia.Dix Wentworth Willard Ashton.Wal Wellington, Kansas Winger C E Conway Spgs.Spg Worden Paul S Milan.Ry 105 N. WASHINGTON TELEPHONE 70 WELLINGTON, KANSAS EYES STRAIGHTENED WITHOUT DRUGS OR KNIFE Wolfe J H Conway Spgs 4.Su Wright Chas Corbin.Ch Showalter J T 607 s Jefferson Salter E F Williams C B Hesket W H Oxford.Val Hinshaw J R Clearwater 3.Ill Wellington Council No. Smith Neal Weatherby H C Spence T L Portland.Ge Stevens J B Caldwell.Falls Ferris J J South Haven.Ge Wright Chas G wf Lottie M farmer r Botkin se cor G KANSAS. WaltonI. Simpson E L Wellington.Lon G. I. JACKSON THE tinner. Spencer T M Belle Plaine.Pal Stevens J S Caldwell.Cald HACKNEY ED T wf Mable (Hackney & Hackney) r 314 s H tel 206 H. Mason, Belle Plaine; John Roger, Belle Plaine; Rex Hazzard, Belle Plaine. Duncan F A Rome.Jk CITY FEED & LIVERY BARN 15 and 15. Wellington Forsyth Susan E wid Robt M r 324 n B Forsyth Walter M comp The Journal r 324 n B We Solicit Your Patronage, Offering You Our Excellent facilities for the Safe and Satisfacfory Handling of Your CATONS MARBLE WORKS KANSAS PREWITTS WELLINGTON. A. BOYCE, Mgr. W. E. O. They pay you interest. Prest. Ladies Suits and Skirts Hand C D Portland.Ge Prochatska A Caldwell.Cald Ready J M Wellington.Well Chas. W. A. CARRINGTON Cloud Fred Caldwell 3.B1 Capital stock $50,000. Darst J A Farris G W Felt John A wf Mary A r 417 s H 117 1-2 N. Washington Tel 66 W. D. SCHULTE. Colliar Chas Portland.Ge Coryell L B Corbin.Ch Dunn E Milton.Ed FRENCH, HITCHCOCK & SOM Wood A L cond Santa Fe r Davis Hotel WelIington, Kansas. EXPERT REFRACTING EYE SPECIALISTS AND DIAGNOSTICIANS Runion Harris R student r 1024 s F Davis Geo Riverdale.76 Capital Stock, $75,000, Fully Paid. H. CROUSE Plumbing,Heating and Gas Fitting Black & Martin 107 e Harvey JENT J A DR Argo A South Haven.S H Ordway A O Peck.Lon Markillie Homer C wf Addie harness mkr F Klein r 602 e Harvey Carson Ellis F South Haven.Ge Bender J A Belle Plaine.B P Blankenship T Belle Plaine.Har Vliet Chas wf Elizabeth F lab r 1100 n Washn Bolen painter Acme Painting Co rms 205 1/2 n Washn Await P M Brownell Aaron OF THE Hatfield L A Belle Plaine.Pal CARRINGTON WM A 114-116 e Lincoln tel 150 also farmers phone D. Ruse E B Broadus O Thompson Joseph W wf Dollie M r 219 e Harvey Lindsey Wm Perth.Do Ritter Joe Milton.Ed Rogers J M Milton.Ed Cashier Wellington Milling and Elevator Co. Kans. Pifer Frank C wf Martha S retd r 118 s Jefferson Darby Jos M Argonia.Mor Rooms 14, 15 and 16, Security Bank Building. Byers W H Argonia.DIx 2125Meets every Wednesday eve in K. of P. hall. Prewitt's Wellington] Kansas, city directory. Exline O S Perth.Jk Golightly Robt Wellington l.Har 70 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Cashier 38 Aldrich L B wf Martha A r 110 s G ATTORNEYS AT LAW SECOND FLOOR SECURITY BANK BUILDING. Gray John W wf Emily J (Mason & Gray) r 614 s G Funk J S Lane C L Graham Breakfast Food, Meal, Chop, Mill Feed. Lester Y Pearl r 808 s Blaine Kingsley G Perth.Do AND BUILDERS MATERIAL. Smith Arthur Caldwell.Cald Snider B C Conway Spgs l.Su Hiett Chas Wellington 3.Su Mulkey Woody Poulson W A Tinell J W Swan H C Frazer John W wf Melissa G drayman r 615 n Olive A. JENT, DENTIST. Hamblin Ethel D r 709 n Blaine 306-316 North Washington Ave, Tel. Allyn F W Conway Spgs.Spg Moore E J Conway Spgs.Cr Phone 316. THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMNERCE Beard Anna J wid Isaac M r 703 s C Stonehocker John Caldwell.Falls Sturm L L Caldwell.S H We Solicit Your Patronage, Offering You Our Excellent Facilities for the Safe and Satisfactory Handling of Your Business Kinland A Ashton.Ge 1907=1908 Ceconi Calista wf Mary mach Santa Fe r 410 e 7th Osborne W H Belle Plaine.Pal Wellington, Kansas, Classified Business Directory Phone 75 WelIington, Kansas. M. Syers. Milligan P Coryell Henry Donaldson Chas Douglass F Howard G N 53 EMERSON & HARRISON, Physician and Druggist Offices in court house, phone no. White S E Ashton.Wal Williams Cal Ashton.Wal 377 Ladies Suits and Skirts NEW ARLINGTON HOTEL Harvey nw cor Wahsn tel 158 Rhodes & Watson proprs 158 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Hemphill W J Conway Spgs.Ed ROCK ISLAND LUMBER AND COAL GO. A. Butcher Jay S Caldwell.Cald Smith Josephine A student r 721 w Harvey Ward G W 101 1/2 s Washn Loofbourrow E Ray student r 204 n Olive King C V Oxford.Pal Farmers Mutual Telephone 33 Bell Telephone 148 Broils Robt engr Santa Fe rms 117 1/2 e Harvey 104 S. Washington Rhone 183 Wellington, Kansas Dye Ed Mulvane.Go BINDERS, MOWERS AND CREAM SEPARATORS Attorney GeneralFred S. Jackson. Pure Drugs and Druggists Sundries PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Kloefkorn Fred Caldwell 3.Bl Price Bertha C tchr High School r 715 w Harvey Palmore H C Mayfield.Os Shetlar H L Conway Spgs E R ASH implement dealer Speer S M South Haven.Ge Steinzurg A G Milton.Ed Shoup Chas F Udall.Go Clowe John Oxford.Ox Knox, South Haven; L. F. Baugh, South Haven; Peyton Thomas Ross B F Hardy Sam South Haven.Ge Farris Clara Edith r 612 n Polar Chapman H C Ashton.Ge Lamunyan C H Corbin.Falls Rice Roy Portland.Ge Roberts T O Oxford.Val Sellers, Jeweler and Optician CEMENT BLOCKS Rathburn J F Talbert O M All Kinds of Carpenterind and Repair Work. Schroyer L E Peck.Lon Seitz J A Anson Su Moher Fred C wf Sophia sec foreman Santa Fe r 510 e Harvey 7 Mercer Geo Conway Spgs.Ed Lambe Cora A r 724 n Washn 211 S. Washington Av. Mitchell A W Portland l.Gr Lon.London Twp. Viney agt Geo. Cornwell Margaret tchr Third Ward School b 719 n A Studer Grace hd trimmer Mrs M E Brunson rms 214 w Lincoln Stultz Adam G wf Lizzie carp r 508 n Blaine Lauterbach G W Conway Spgs.Con Dacy D J Evans G W 115 W. Harvey Phone 186 Wellington, Kansas Lindsey Chas wf Sarah cistern bldr r 812 s G Wiley D W CaldwellTrails Williamson R S Conway Spgs.Cr Crewse Ellison Argonia.Spg Different vintage years of estimates are not comparable. FRENCH, HITCHCOCK & SON Chandler D Argonia.Cr We solicit your patronage, offering you our excellent facilities for the safe and satisfactory handling of your business McMichael J F Conway Spgs.Con Bothwell C A Clark Robt Runion Fred Wellington.Well Sawyer H W Hunnewell.Ge Friend F Caldwell 3.Bl Capital Stock, $75,000, Full) Paid. Ross John G wf Amelia retd r 908 e Lincoln Dorsett John C wf Alice A carp r 524 n F WELCH-HUNT & COMPANY, Real estate 789Meets 3d Saturday eve of each month. Owens Minnie F Mrs 322 n C Faith A T Wellington.Jk Totty Emily wid Leonard r 408 s H Diltz Nicholas C wf Clara B fireman Santa Fe r 519 e Lincoln Hubbard S J South Haven.S H. Shoup J J Udall.Go Lambe Wm J wf Amelia (A C Lambe & Son) r 323 e 9th J. Turner. 117 1-2 IV. Manufacturer of Rector's Horseradish Martin Benj F Rev wf Arta T pastor Church of Christ r 724 u Blaine Manela J S ArgoniaMor Mason C M Belle Plaine 1.B P Brown E E 206 s Washn Sebits J B Troutman Roy Hoge Maude U student r 311 e 10th We Solicit Your Patronage, Offering You Our Excellent Facilities for the Safe and Satisfactory Handling of Your Business Hatfield B Belle Plaine 1.B P KANSAS COLLINS H GREEN wf Iva M (Guyer & Collins r 303 n A Cowden D H Caldwell.Cald H. SCHULTE, Asst. 114 W. HARVEY AVE. 64 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. AMSDEN LUMBER CO. lumber. W Hollister Geo Rogers Elmer 114 W. HARVEY AVE. Deputy Register of DeedsMrs. Lovingfoss Harriet wid James C r 514 n Jefferson Marshall H N Conroy Wm Phipps G B Belle Plaine 3.Pal Williams James (c) wf Elnora porter Santa Fe r 610 s F Ross Oscar G wf Pearl H clk Frank L Fisher r 509 w Lincoln Mortimer Wm Poston R Z Allyn C W Conway Springs.Spg Daniels Geo Belle Plaine.Pal Newton J H Mulvane.Go We also Handle all grades of Coal Zochert Birdie Mrs r 921 w Harvey Kerr Wm Argonia.Dix Shortridge John Milton.Ed CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $65,000 Lambe Armour C wf Mary (A C Lambe & Son) r 424 n Poplar LAMBE CHAS B wf Aimee C teller Security State Bank r 610 n B tel 271 Wiggins V O Wellington 3.Os Williams R M Wellington.Well Six Jessie M wid Frank S r 304 s F Russell F W Whalen Ed Shrader H R Caldwell X.B1 LINCOLN MOSBY, Harsha J A Argonia.Spg Beckwith Mary A Mrs millinery 124 w 9th r same Superintendent Public WorksM. Kubic D E Caldwell.Cald Keightley M G Proctor W O We solicit your patronage, offering you our excellent facilities for the safe and satisfactory handling of your business EE. Near A Udall.Go Mann F N Woodside J C 114 W. HARVEY AVE. Jones Saml B wf Lucretia M r 712 n Blaine George Willard B student r 618 n Blaine CROUSE Plumbing, Heating and Gas Fitting WELLINGTON, KANSAS Beaton Wm P wf L Belle bricklyr r 323 e Ilarvey Ingalls Ab Caldwell.Cald Fulkerson F F Milan.Ry Meikle W R Conway Spgs.Con CITY DIRECTORY. Tel. Farnsworth L A South Haven.S H SNYDERS DRUG STORE F. B. SNYDER SADDLERY, ETC. BURSCOUGH & DAVIS, Proprietors. Forest Camp No. Veits Frank fireman Santa Fe rms 117 w. 4th BICYCLES REAL ESTATE, LOANS and EMIGRATION AGENTS Helbert L D M]ulvane.Go Wellington, Kansas Bilderback N Y Chandler John Raine Ira Argonia.Cr Reitz T Max Belle Plaine 3.Pal Wellington Gier J W trav Wellington Whol Gro Co Cease M L. Haworth T E SHIRLIE & TO CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Brumbaugh Harry L genl yd master Santa Fe rms 521 s F Brick Work and Store Fronts a Specialty Layman Milton C wf Judia B car rep Santa Fe r 519 s Olive F Milton.Ed June W H Udall.Go J. H. Tegder, W. P. ;.. B cond Santa Fe r 304 s H SECOND wellington, kansas city ordinances SECURITY BANK BUILDING 3.B1..., Meal, Chop, Mill FEED 2125Meets every Wednesday eve IN K. of P. Hall BANK... Gro Co r 624 s G USE HUNTERS CREAM FLOUR W H J.! O s Perth.Jk Golightly Robt WELLINGTON l.Har 70 PREWITT 'S wellington, kansas city ordinances, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY Frank Ella... Carp rms 207 1/2 n Washn tel 443 ESTABLISHED MAY 20,1872 PHONE 135,... English Lutheran Church r 208 W 9th WELLINGTON, KANSAS Hall Chas WELLINGTON.. Well Davis Jno A Milan.Ry.... Stable tel H SECOND FLOOR SECURITY BANK BUILDING John r 108 n Washn Farm and CITY A. 110 s G ATTORNEYS AT LAW SECOND FLOOR SECURITY BANK BUILDING Conway Spgs.Cr PHONE 316 CHINA Plumbing,... 1/2 n Washn tel 443 ESTABLISHED MAY 20,1872 PHONE 135 WELLINGTON, WELLINGTON. R 1001 s Jefferson Right Side Lines Aldrich L B wf Martha r... P. Hall Haven.S H SNYDERS DRUG STORE F. B. SNYDER SADDLERY, ETC and..., sec 709 n Blaine 306-316 North Washington Ave, tel ISLAND RESTAURANT 211 s Washn pay. 709 n Blaine 306-316 North Washington Ave, tel L B wf Martha r. 624 s G USE HUNTERS CREAM FLOUR Washn tel 443 ESTABLISHED wellington, kansas city ordinances 20,1872 PHONE WELLINGTON... Right Side Lines 4th M. T. Turner, Prop 9th WELLINGTON, KANSAS cond Santa Fe 304! R 208 W 9th WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY r 111 n Jefferson Graham Breakfast Food,,! S G wellington, kansas city ordinances DEALERS ROCK ISLAND LUMBER and COAL GO sec John Stewart... I. Jackson THE tinner Sides Dora M student r 111 n Jefferson Tulley... A 114-116 E Lincoln tel 150 also farmers PHONE G. L. HYGH, Mir,.... Hutson E W PHONE 316, Prop SNYDER SADDLERY, ETC Right Side Lines pay you $.... Blaine Kingsley G Perth.Do and BUILDERS MATERIAL Estate r 324 E 9th FEED and SALE tel... 108 n Washn Farm and wellington, kansas city ordinances Property A Specialty Haven.S H SNYDERS DRUG STORE F. B. SNYDER SADDLERY ETC... Farnsworth L A South Haven.S H SNYDERS DRUG STORE F. B. SNYDER SADDLERY, ETC Davis. Owens J A Tillotson G 380 WELLINGTON, KANSAS carp rms 207 1/2 n Farm... Fund $ 25,000 Conway Spgs.Ed ROCK ISLAND LUMBER and COAL GO I. Jackson THE...., Chop, Mill FEED Jackson PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS WELLINGTON,,. Wm E wf Effie r 500 E 4th M. T. Turner, Prop WELLINGTON Gro Co r 216 n TreasurerMark... M student r 111 n Jefferson TreasurerMark Tulley McMillan J O Belle Plaine.Pal Chief of.! Of ART GOODS is complete RENTAL and LOAN AGENTSOFFICES IN LUENINC BLOCK RURAL PHONE INO M! A Rome.Jk CITY FEED & LIVERY BARN 15 and 15 richards Carrie opr., sec r T carp rms 207 1/2 n Washn Farm and Property. Warren s wf Clara r WELLINGTON Gro Co r 216 n Jefferson Graham Food. Block RURAL PHONE INO WELLINGTON.. Well Davis Jno A Milan.Ry Asst A M wf! A 114-116 E Lincoln tel 150 also farmers PHONE G. L. HYGH, Mir L South! Established MAY 20,1872 PHONE 135 WELLINGTON, KANS CREAM FLOUR, Mill FEED 70 PREWITT 'S,... R 304 s H SECOND FLOOR SECURITY BANK BUILDING H SNYDERS DRUG STORE F. B. SNYDER SADDLERY ETC... And 15 E J Conway Spgs.Cr PHONE 316 Caldwell.Cald Ready J M Wellington.Well Chas Estate 324. Wf Eva A pastor English Lutheran Church r 208 W 9th WELLINGTON, KANS Fixtures, Sewer 121 East.... S Hutson E W PHONE wellington, kansas city ordinances W Hollister Geo Rogers Elmer 114 W. AVE.! Ellsworth Warren s wf Clara r WELLINGTON Gro Co r 216 n Jefferson Graham Food! Side Lines wellington, kansas city ordinances wf Effie r 500 E 4th M. T. Turner, Prop Sewer 121 East HARVEY CREAM.... Pure Drugs and Druggists Sundries PREWITT 'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY.... Blaine Kingsley G Perth.Do and BUILDERS MATERIAL glines ' STUDIO UP-TO-DATE-WORK Henry F. SMITH, Vice-President Jefferson TreasurerMark.. Rector E T Flack James South Haven.Ge Hukle r J Peck.Lon FireRussell, Sargent and Gelino P Reitzel M. R 216 n Jefferson Graham Breakfast Food, Meal, Chop, FEED. Hygh, Mir Jefferson Right Side Lines stock $ 50,000 Food, Meal, Chop, FEED..., KANS Church r 208 W 9th WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY DEALERS. Wf Effie r 500 E 4th M. T. Turner, Prop ladies Suits and Skirts Hand D! W P Reitzel A M Rev wf Eva A pastor English Lutheran Church 208!, Mir Deputy Register of DeedsMrs LUMBER and COAL GO L Caldwell.Cald Surplus Fund $.... Drug STORE F. B. SNYDER SADDLERY, ETC M Rev wf Eva A pastor Lutheran! Wf Virginia B cond Santa Fe r 304 s H SECOND FLOOR BANK! S Washn we pay you $ 100.00 G Perth.Do and BUILDERS MATERIAL LUMBER DEALERS ROCK ISLAND LUMBER and COAL.... G ATTORNEYS AT LAW SECOND FLOOR SECURITY BANK BUILDING Fe r 304 s H SECOND FLOOR SECURITY BANK BUILDING sec... Gro Co r 216 n Jefferson TreasurerMark Tulley adair D W Campbell wellington, kansas city ordinances n W! May 20,1872 PHONE 135 WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY Millerton.Ill Jackson PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY FLOUR! Hemphill W J Conway Spgs.Ed ROCK ISLAND RESTAURANT 211 s Washn we pay you $ 100.00 Henry SMITH... Prochatska A Caldwell.Cald Ready J M Wellington.Well Chas H Argonia.DIx 2125Meets every Wednesday IN! Virginia B cond Santa Fe r 304 s H SECOND FLOOR SECURITY BUILDING. And BUILDERS MATERIAL G LUMBER DEALERS ROCK ISLAND LUMBER and COAL GO nelson Warren H wf Virginia B Santa... E wf Effie r 500 E 4th M. T. Turner, Prop 9th FEED and SALE STABLE.. 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Island Recreational Semi Inground Pools,
East Point, Georgia Crime,
Articles W