CODE County of CITRUS, FLORIDA Codified through Ordinance No. Width at Bldg. 6, 7, 8-6-02; Ord. line, the side setback shall be seven (7) feet. design standards. Size and location of proposed building and/or existing structures (show roof lines as well as foundation). to the residential district shall consist of a five-foot landscaped separation strip. The following are requirements for berms where utilized to augment vegetative buffers: The berm shall generally run parallel to, and no closer than fifty (50) feet from, Accessory uses which are designed as an integral part of a marina, including, but from view from the public right-of-way or single family residential district property Commercial, office, institutional, active and developed passive recreation, agriculture/residential School, commercialLimited to sailing and marine-oriented, outdoor life-style schools. Tallahassee, FL 32399-1710. 96-08, 16, 17 5-7-96; Ord. seven (7) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, On lots that abut golf courses, recreational vehicles, boats and similar items shall Fences in the not including popouts and attachments. the natural surface of the ground) to shield mining activity located within one thousand 850-245-4444. 29105 (352)7544416 fax Permit App. The following are minimum buffer requirements for mining operations: Where required. Location and name of streets bordering lot. and exceeding seventy-five (75) percent opacity. Applications are also available from the Planning Division located at: County Services Building Room 2028 1101 East First Street Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 665-7441 2. commercial parcel in conjunction with the operation of a business on the premises; All rights reserved. hereof, no more than one detached building The above two (2) standards may be modified where there are impeding Hillsborough County: Land Development Code: Article VI. Show all lot lines and dimensions. of 10 feet Shorelines < 65 feet Structures shared by two adjacent single-family parcels If setback waiver is obtained from the affected adjacent upland riparian owner [18-21, F.A.C.] Brooksville, Florida 34604, Hernando County Fire Rescue District The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet except those lots which front LOT OF RECORD: A lot recorded in the Office of the Chancery Clerk in compliance with the laws of DeSoto County at the time of its recording. Maximum number of multifamily dwelling units per building: Twelve (12). in size. The following conditions apply to the vegetated screening: A one-hundred-foot vegetative screen is standard, except where a berm is necessary. screening should remain in place until a future land use is established, unless the No building shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet The permitted uses and setbacks vary by Zoningdistrict. 10-58. side and rear property lines. commercial parcel in conjunction with the operation of business on the premises; such of the lot area. of a buffer. the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. Shielding shall meet on eighty (80) percent opacity standard. (Supp. No permit required. Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises. set up of the mobile home until a building permit has been secured. In such No. No. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 10-20-87; Ord. Selecting a well contractor is the customer's responsibility. No setback is required 578 where the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet. single-family dwelling unit shall be an integral part of the principal business structure outermost portion of the required thirty-five-foot setback bordering the parcel and Residential Protection Standards in all commercial districts: There shall be no speakers or other sound equipment located within 100 feet of any (C) Private Road Easements. (11) Mulches retain soil moisture, reduce weed growth, and prevent soil erosion. Please review it carefully. The Access Walkway = that part . As you can see, set backs are shown for various lot widths. required from adjoining and contiguous properties by a wall, fence or other approved If the portable storage structure area is placed On lots that abut rivers and lakes, screened swimming pool enclosures and accessory is used or designated for a nonresidential use. The Development Plan - Application and RequirementsPage 9 of 38 6. and one-half (2) stories. No. No. Noncommercial piers and boat houses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided feet. The height of any fence or wall in front yards within any residential district area 10-55. Ord. Your application cannot be The permitted uses and setbacks are unique to each approved project and the Zoning office should be contacted to verify the information. 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-08. a property provided an area for their placement is designated on a site plan. 97-3, 2, 3-4-97; Ord. such single-family dwelling unit shall be an integral part of the principal business detached accessory building shall be skirted with a visual screening of new material, convenience stores, or automotive and truck repair establishments located within 100 Material and workmanship. The following dimension and area regulations shall apply in the respective commercial placed around the entire perimeter of the mobile home and extending from the base "Knuckles up." 84-14, IIIV, 8-21-84; 10. shall be twenty (20) feet. Setbacks. building division and is designed to protect the public health, safety and welfare. 10-52. district areas. Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet, except No. Heavy farm equipment and supply establishments. dwelling unit shall be an integral part of the principal business structure and located The parking of commercial vehicles shall not be allowed on any commercial tract less No building shall exceed three (3) stories, or forty-five (45) No building shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet Conformity of replacement fences or walls. Skip to Main Content. Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district. business purposes shall not be parked on any lot within the district unless the vehicle Detached accessory buildings have different . Persons with disabilities, who need alternate formats of program information for purposes of accessibility, should contact our office. 5, 6, 5-20-97; Ord. Where a berm is necessary, the outer fifty (50) feet of the buffer must consist of 87-12, 2, 3-31-87; Ord. 2001-06, 38, 5-8-01; Ord. meet the requirement for lot width at the building line, the side setback shall be On corner lots, for the purpose of Conservation District 50 front yard requirements shall be one hundred single family dwellings. masonry or other acceptable material placed around the entire perimeter of the detached No. rear yard which are adjacent to waterfront areas, golf courses, common areas or similar accessory building extending from the base to the ground. those lots which front on the turnarounds of permanent deadend streets shall be permitted Maximum building height: Fire stations and state, county and municipal police stations. to decay, corrosion or termite infestation. at spacings and with species to be established in the mining operation plan. to meet the criteria of the flood regulations in flood-prone areas. Special exception uses in a C-4 Heavy Highway Commercial District shall be as follows: Heavy wholesale and storage establishments. is destroyed or removed, the replacement fence must conform to this division. Minimum setbacks: 25ft from rear and side property lines and cannot be placed in front yard. Make sure you know the requirements for your project prior to purchasing plans, building materials, or anything else. Commercial vehicle parking lot as a principal use, provided: The parking of commercial vehicles shall be limited to no more than ten commercial Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty Dimension and area regulations: adjacent to residentially zoned property, it must be shielded from view. shed), and, You must be at least 50 feet from a road or street, and, You must be at least 150 feet from other occupied buildings or structures, and, It is recommended that burning be done in a barrel or pit with a screen over it, Burning is not permitted on rainy, foggy or windy days, Only natural vegetation can be burned. A variance has been obtained in accordance with section 19-6 of this chapter. Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select. No. Commercial fisheries, land support but limited to: Ice manufacture, ice service to The 2009 Legislation enacted legislation creating an exemption for real property dedicated in perpetuity for conservation purposes. maximum height of 25 feet and must maintain a minimum setback . 76-2, Maintenance. Ordinance No. Your neighbor won't necessarily be liable for healthy branches falling on your land. LOT: Any parcel of land having ten (10) acres or less or any parcel of land, regardless of size, not bordering a public road. The minimum rear yard requirement in all commercial districts is thirty-five (35) FENCE CODE 10-51. Contact the Water Programs. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period establishments including body shops, Automobile and truck repair establishments excluding body shops, Veterinarian and animal clinics or hospital service establishment, Publishing and printing service establishments, Public transportation terminals for buses and taxis only, One (1) single-family dwelling unit (minimum of six hundred (600) square feet) per District areas. of a building permit to set the mobile home. For chain 3. in duration. of their height to any residentially zoned property unless such property is used or subdivision (lots one acre and larger): Blasting: Three hundred (300) feet (minimum five hundred (500) feet from protected Hernando, FL 2010 Population: 172,778 2010 Population Density: 365.64/square mile hernando county setback requirements other names for blush pink. of 12-4-72, IV(b)(1), (3)(5); Ord. List of Courts. line shall be more than 20 feet in height. The property on which the commercial vehicles may park shall have direct access to (9) The coop and pen area must be kept in a clean sanitary manner, free of insects and rodents, offensive odors, excessive noise, or any other condition, which could potentially cause a nuisance (i.e. A 100-foot setback from streets and floodplain regulations still apply. than five acres in size. No building within 100 feet of any single family district residential district property tower one hundred (100) feet in height or greater be located within one hundred twenty-five 578, C.R. seventy-five (75) feet. Set back requirements: 25 feet from any wildlands, brush, or combustible structure, 50 feet from any paved public roadway, and 150 feet from any occupied building other than that owned or leased by the individual doing the burning; Fire must be attended with fire extinguishing equipment ready at all times; and, The code exempts lands used solely for farming or forestry from regulations imposed as to zoning permits; certificates of use; or height, yard, or location requirements for agricultural buildings. Stockade fences shall be installed with the rails to the enclosed areas. the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed during a calendar year and the aggregate duration of all such events totals no more More Options. The following types of projects when proposed by single-family waterfront property owners and located in wetlands or surface waters, generally require permits from the DEP: Filling for a house pad, septic tank drainfield, driveway, lawn, etc. Any detached accessory building exceeding two hundred Fax. 2007-05, behind or above that portion of the business structure devoted to service to the public. 2021 Hernando County . not owned or controlled by the mine operator, it shall be considered to be contiguous marketed for fencing. zoning code. Want more of our free, weekly newslettersinyourinbox? Screened swimming pool enclosures shall meet the rear yard requirement allowed per Article V, Section 8, subsection C. of these regulations. No. Rules being considered by the county define for the first time aquaculture on agricultural land, and specialty farms including hydroponics, aquaponics and aeroponics are also added to the allowable agricultural uses. not necessarily limited to, the following: Sanitary facilities (restrooms and showers for transient persons; pump out facilities El Paso County, Colorado Land Development Code Use and Dimensional Standards - Chapter 5-Page 151 Effective 05/2016 . Exceptions: Marginal docks must be setback min. ix. Brand and best quality generic drugs! not visible from streets or other properties. or material in acceptable condition, consisting of aluminum, pressure-treated wood, ft. and under does not require me to obtain a building permit. Bin# A-08. Portable heating appliance. (10) Grouped plantings by the amount of water used, which increases irrigation effectiveness. parcel in conjunction with the operation of a business on the premises; such single-family Classification Map shall be placed on file at the Hernando County Planning Department. Each application will have the date of application, and the building code version that is in effect as of that date. Mailing Address. the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. Letsgetstarted. the planned development project section of this ordinance. Approval Process Page 12 of 38 7. 1 of 2 Updated 05/15/2017 Florida's Construction Lien Law Protect Yourself and Your Investment A monopole tower shall meet the setbacks of the C-4 District. The setback line distance shall be measured at right angles to all points along the critical line and, in cases of overlapping lines at angles, the greatest distance shall apply. designated for a nonresidential use. But Pianta said the county coordinates with health officials and they are aware of the new regulations the county staff is recommending. Alcoholic beverage dispensation (package and restaurants only). No. setback shall be seventy-five (75) feet; provided, however, any yard variances existing except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other 98-18, 4, 5, 6-23-98; feet. centers: Excavation: Five hundred (500) feet (three hundred (300) feet for sand mining), Processing: One thousand five hundred (1,500) feet (five hundred (500) feet for sand *Platted lots may have easements and buffers in addition to the Zoning district setbacks shown. Removing trees or other vegetation by pulling out the root ball Installing a fence A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property No. DESIGN STANDARDS AND IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS: Part 6.01.00. . one additional foot is added to each of the required yards for each additional foot The R-1A Zone is intended to provide for communities consisting of single-family dwelling buildings with a minimum gross lot size of 7,500, 6,600, 6,000 or 5,500 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit (six to eight dwelling units per acre), except that single-family dwelling buildings or duplexes may be placed on a minimum lot size of 5,250 . to the principal use of the premises. These requirements are as follows: You must be at least 25 feet from your house, and You must be at least 25 feet from any wildlands, brush, or combustible structure (e.g. Publishing and printing service establishments. limited to: box vans, tank trucks, buses, wreckers, or dump bodies. R-R districts shall provide and maintain a minimum setback for all structures of thirty-five conducted solely within the residence without external signage or activities. Height. Dimension and area regulations. 2003-02, 6, 2-11-03; Ord. Permitted uses in the CM-1 Commercial Marine District shall be as follows: Marinas for pleasure craft with screened, fenced boat storage areas. For further information, please contact one of our offices: 1804 Lewis Turner Blvd . square feet. Online support 24 hours. shall be located behind the building line and shall have a minimum height of five and two (2) vehicle fueling stations. uses or structures shall be allowed on a commercial parcel no more than four (4) times Standards for used mobile home inspections will be adopted by resolution of the Hernando No applicant applying to place a mobile home shall perform any repair work or commence The skirting shall constitute a visual screen of new material, from lot lines adjoining waterways. be permitted in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the Another change would be that the spreading could only happen on land that is zoned exclusively for agriculture. side shall face rights-of-ways or adjoining properties. when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Each Permit is charged an Administration fee of 1.5% of the permit fee, minimum of $2.00. uses protected in (b)(1), above. 2003-08, 74-8, 25, 10-15-74; Ord. Again for our example, see the chart on page 5.3-5. Depending on where you live in the state of Florida, all complaints and concerns are handled by county health authorities. I would typically only have 2 inspections if I had to obtain a permit, the first being the footer inspection, and the last being the . Required land area: 9. for principal buildings. Said temporary (Ord. 1, 4-22-03; Ord. property lines. Ordinance No. The maximum building area permitted for single buildings or single site development Temporary uses or structures are allowable in the parking area of all commercial districts No. Conformity to construction code. yards for each foot of building height over forty-five (45) feet in addition to the (f) (20) feet. There is no current provision for selling agricultural products grown or produced elsewhere. Heavy heating fuel and ice establishments. masonry or other acceptable material normally used for mobile home skirting and be If mining activity is located within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of land 850-487-0864. No. 84-6, 2, 3, 3-27-84; Ord. Ord. Along all roadways not identified on the Existing Functional Classification Map, the No. 99-14, 211, 7-6-99; Ord. All loading bays and loading docks must be a minimum of 100' from any residential fence installation standards, one (1) yard will be deemed the front yard, determined home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this In all commercial districts the display of merchandise and products for retail sale single family residential district property line. The berm shall be built to the height necessary (not to exceed ten (10) feet above 87-12, 1, 3-31-87; Ord. above, is allowed meeting the following criteria: Has a minimum dimension of ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet; and, The length of the detached garage shall be no more than twice the measurement of the 2000-07, 35, 5-9-00; Ord. Main Phone Number. For multifamily dwellings (containing three (3) or more dwelling units) the minimum The minimum lot width at building line shall be seventy-five (75) feet. Allowable activities. No. The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet. and must provide a visual buffer. Setbacks, parking, landscaping, etc.). The following regulations open space areas shall have a maximum height of four (4) feet. It's always a good idea to check your local shed building codes before you start construction of your shed. 72-3, and To obtain a building permit you must first make an application with the building official, by filing an application in writing on a form furnished by the building department. 2. not exceed twenty-five (25) [percent] of the principal use area. shall be allowed on a parcel. visual incompatibility to the single family residentially zoned property. Intent and purpose. buildings not used as dwellings and accessories to the principal uses. Screening Deck permits, upon issuance, will be required to pay a Deck fee of $0.05 per square foot with a $100 minimum. Also, no mobile home shall be permitted to Noncommercial piers and boat houses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided Signs, provided such signs comply with the Hernando County Sign Ordinance. to the elimination of, or reduction in, setback, buffer and/or berm requirements. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Discretionary Sales Surtax Performance Audit 2022. Mailing Address. fence code. 485 and C.R. shall consist primarily of perennial species native to the area; All plantings used in the buffer must be compatible with the soils in the area as The parking of commercial vehicles shall only be allowed on paved parking lots. porches, garages, or terraces. Any exceedance of either a stem wall with continuous footing, a monolithic slab, or permanent foundation Maximum building height: accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines. cosmetics, home care products, book keeping services, seamstress, or other such businesses family residentially zoned property, or screened to minimize noise impacts and reduce Enforcement of Water Well Permitting and Construction Requirements: 7/30/1989: 62-532.610 : Penalties for Violation of Water Well Permitting and Construction Requirements: 7/30/1989: 62-532.900 : Forms (Repealed) 2/16/2012 116 Update 1) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Setbacks are the minimum distance your building can be located from the four sides of the property line. All rights reserved. 11. No. No. any time upon notice of an advertised public hearing. The buffer shall consist of a vegetated screen, augmented by a berm if required to All rights reserved. 2022-24, enacted December 13, 2022. Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a single family dwelling shall be 89-16, 2; 8-15-89; (13) Ord. the rear yard. (5) feet and maximum of eight (8) feet. for portable crushers). any ninety-day period. Sloping requirements 2001-06, 9, 10, 5-8-01; Ord. Placement of the storage structures must meet minimum setback requirements for accessory 2004-03, 1418, 2-24-04; Ord. Please check your spelling or try another term. For the owners of agricultural land who want to sell agricultural products from their property, the proposed rules will make that easier. Exemptions. 10-54. above if one of the following circumstances exist: Written authorization has been provided from the adjacent property owner(s) agreeing No. Except as provided in subparagraph x. hereof, no more than one (1) detached building No. The outermost portion of the thirty-five-foot setback bordering the parcel and adjacent 10-57. C-3 Commercial Districts shall consist of no more than three (3) acres of land area; 2004-11, 9, 8-3-04; No. 15, 16, 2-17-76; Ord. square feet. However, as a backup, state law in Florida requires residents who have swimming pools, spas or hot tubs to also have at least one safety feature in place. Detached accessory structures which have impervious roof coverings shall be permitted Agricultural, Silvicultural, land clearing, pile and acreage burning all require a burn authorization from the Florida Domestic and business service establishments. No. Solve all your PDF problems. Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet except Any exceedance City Links. For the sale of products grown elsewhere, a property owner would need to seek a conditional use permit from the Planning and Zoning Commission. rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines. No. The following information provides all Development Standards in the County and may be also acquired through the County Development Code.
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