But I dont know. They are with family 2000 miles away from me and my heart is broken, but at least they are not with strangers. I had no choice, I felt it was the best for them. suicidal thoughts or plans. They are calling me an alcoholic because I somehow keep failing for etg (alcohol) when I do not drink alcohol. I miss my new born son very much. I seem to cry for no reason at all. You can get them on Ebay. Identity and sense of self: Your relationship with your child may change by varying degrees, which can cause a change in your identity. Hi. She will never have to feel that some flaw within her is the reason why her mom didnt fight harder to win the battle with addiction. But Jesus knows that we are weak and He knows that you still loved your children. Although the mental illness alone does not automatically disqualify you from custody, an active co-occurring drug addiction might. To several children. The flier described how her ex-husband, an abusive narcissist had convinced the family court he should be the custodial parent. Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism. The county gets social security fund money just for having you go to their services like psychological testing, counseling, parenting classes, etc so it is a financial benefit to them to have you doing these things, thinking all along that you might get the child back, even if they truly never intend to allow that to happen. that is the only trustworthy source of truth written in this world. She just let it go. Then write down WHY you feel the way you do. Actually, I was the one who called the law on him! Ages 9, 6, & 5 months. When all was said and done i left and went home and got drunk to numb myself i spent the first week drunk everyday. There is still so much life left that CPS cannot take from you. I pray Henderson County DSS never hurts anyone like they have me again!! Thank you. The next day I notified our foster worker that he needed to be seen as he was still very sick. Regain their trust and respect and above all, keep yourself clean. I struggled with depression for 10 yrs before finding out that I was pregnant with my son and Ive been happy no matter what since and now theyve taken the only thing that cured my depression! We only enter into attorney-client relationships with people who meet with our firm and sign a formal, written agreement with us. This is a very, very dark time for you and I am so sorry that you have found yourself in a dark place in your life. I got approved for housing I got off my drugs. I hope this helps each and every one of you! My kids are my life if it wasnt for them there is no telling were id be. ask for another one. Now they have her daughter and will probably end up with the new baby. My mom is supposed to be adopting them I guess soon but we dont talk at all and shes had a lot to do with the reason I dont have my babies. Thats a good way to look at it, Shirley. Do NOT use marijuana!! Create a ritual in your sibling's memory. Still to this day I have not got my story out but kept all proof of what I know. I made this as an expression of my story. Im so scared now bc theyre saying that I dont have a chance in Hell and next month is the final court date :'( I went to the court the next morning and filed and emergency petition against the petition she had put in. NOOOO! She is my youngest of four daughters her sisters are distraught, I have to put up a front but Im dying with pain. I feel depressed everyday and feel suicidal sometimes.. cps destroyed my life entirely. There are a couple of books I just ordered-one is called Your Past has Passed, and the other is called Getting Past Your Past. In your case, since you had your tubes tied and dont expect to have more children, it would probably be best to go to the hearing to try to defend your right to parent this one child many other parents do sign their rights away to avoid the TPR label (which would affect future children as well.) I am a great mom. Your children will come again to their own land. A woman with hollow eyes approached us and handed out a flier. flashbacks, anxiety, or other symptoms of PTSD. I found out Supervisors names, and email addresses. You may call me at I was his mom. Lets accept the parts weve had in and move forward. I do not know if that is good. Please pray for me and my babies as I will all of you. I am still called mom but my baby girl calls me Janelle. It only makes to depression WAY worse my heart goes out to you and all others who are in this situation. I hope god gives me the strength to help me overcome this heart breaking situation. I am not that religious but I would like to think that Christ would have some sympathy for my situation. Thats extremely rare, but now if people have PD their children are often taken from them as a safety precaution for the children. Thanks for this uplifting article/post. I get to talk to him for 3min a week i am lucky. They often have more anger, guilt, physical symptoms, greater depression, and a loss of meaning and purpose in life. RIP 2014. Im walking away from mine. I suffer from anxiety now that I never had once before. Camcorders are good, too. It was heartbreaking for me. For now, try to be as stable as you can-by working, maybe going to a church, etc. I am in college again so far holding an 4.0 GPA im determined to do something positive in my life. I am praying for you girl!! Depression: Changes to your relationship with your child may leave you feeling sad, hopeless or depressed. And isolated because I carry a pain that will never lessen or go away. I do not have my kids back. I cannot believe there are so many woman who know exactly how I feel! Our divorce and child custody lawyers help men and women get the information, guidance, and compassionate representation they need. He came out on top. CPS also made my husband divorce me! I was her caregiver when we had no nurse in the hours she went home. God has a purpose for everything he allows. Your children are going to grow up and have their own kids one day. He was also an abusive man, which is why I divorced him. Then my battle will be with the family law court i just hope my son is strong enough to keep himself alive will i find a way to safe my best friend who i have no contact with or even seen i miss him dearly ever since november 24th 2012 brutality assaulted by mom and stepdad. A few things you can do for yourself include: It is estimated that once a parent has lost custody, it can take the better part of two years to regain custody, sometimes even more depending on context and issues surrounding the separation. Amy, my heart goes out to you. There is hope for your future, says the Lord. 2. Amber Portwood believes her mental illness was "used against" her after losing custody of 4-year-old son James to ex-boyfriend Andrew Glennon. Read more testimonials from our past clients +. This far ive done everything psychiatric ave psychological evaluations, drug testing, and couseling, and still have to wait till December to know if Im getting them back. I dont blame them. Thats a laugh. I was squalling like a baby myself. Its been a little over a year now. I need someone to pray that I get my babies back. Asking about these classes at your community centers or your therapist or even some social worker can guide you towards such programs. The Savvy Womans Guide to Divorce in Washington, The Thinking Mans Guide to Divorce in Washington, Free Divorce eBook: Keeping Your High Schooler on Track During Conflict, Learn to Tell If Your Kids Are Coping with Your Divorce by Reading This Free eBook, In-Depth Articles on Family Law in Washington, Learn More About Recent News in Family Law, Watch Our Videos on Family Law in Washington, Download One of Our Free Family Law Books, Divorce and Child Custody Attorney Serving Bellevue and Seattle Washington. I have no means of fighting this legally, except to pray that some how, some way a solution presents itself or I can find someone who will take payments or work for free. I became a heroin addict when my pain control Dr died of cancer. My children were taken in October of 2013. Honey you Louisiana is hell come to Arkansas just be poor they will take them put up for adoption before they terminate your rights i have seen this go on blacks and drug heads get their kids back but someone white, poor, trying to get a life for themselves and their children, going to college. Good luck. There is a possibility that losing custody of your child can cause you to develop Post traumatic disorder because of how stressful of an event this change can be. The nature of each disorder is vastly different. The depression and other mental health conditions you might be experiencing right now is something that many parents, in a similar situation such as yours, have faced. Another good one is Zoloft. My baby barely knows me. Ive been fighting so hard and for so long that Im tired. I was shocked that children were taken from the non-abusive parent. I was to return to my home state of Missouri where I have many loved ones..employment and a home set up..this was the plan before they even stepped foot into my life. Exercise yourself. THAT CHILD LOVEDLOVES US DEARLY AS WE DID AND DO HIM STILL!!!! I want to share my story of hope! Call me at three six zero 480 five one one four. So did the guilt. designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. An attorney knows the legal concepts, statutes, case precedent, and court rules involved with child custody cases. Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood. I will pray for you, When they are 18 you never get those years back of raising your kid people dont raise a kid for free to abuse them but to love them when will they understand that, You are not alone my 4 babies were taking from me for no reason a bunch of lies these women need to be in jail for taking my sweet babies from me God bless you. I was able to nurse which avoided withdrawal after she was born. Become the person you were meant to be. They were then 3years and 2years old. My own mother went to the state and got me to terminated my rights and said i could never have another child. Along with attending a Bible Believing church with uplifting music; nothing has helped me through losing my children and every other tough time in my life is reading Psalms and Proverbs from the King James Bible. You might believe you don't measure up to other people in terms of looks, age, or weight. Krista, I admire your bf for sticking with you but truth is you would have had a better chance of getting your children back without him in the home. They just got taken because I had a messy home and according to cps it was a hazard. Ive been depressed for years but this is a whole new type of depression. Have you discussed this with your lawyer? This is usually due to the circumstances of the loss of someone. It was always so painful for me. My family is reporting my activity to my CPS worker even though I dont want them to do this. (Yes people we all descend from same parents Grandpa Adam and Grandma Eve and no they were not blonde blue eye Caucasian and neither is Jesus Christ.) I could never be mad with him or questioned him. Depression Poems For Those Who Struggleand Those who want to better understand the illness 1. I have read the last chapter. And eventually the pain will go away though the memories stay. I had to sit on the stand and name each and every date off my life was under the microscope. I need to save my daughters but Im so lost I dont know what to do or who to turn to anymore. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I really dont know what to do. My lawyer said she help me go to the supreme court and the document she filed so she could go to the supreme court came up missing. My little girl was taken from me and placed with my sister in law who apparently hates me and will not allow us to have any contact what so ever and it hurts. Email me and jen4032w-at-gmail.com I hope to hear back from you and hang in there. One 2015 study of 2,512 bereaved adults (many of whom were mourning the loss of a child) found little or no evidence of depression in 68 percent of those surveyed shortly after the tragedy. Recently I saw a posting on our FightCPS Facebook Group from a woman whose friend committed suicide after her children were taken by CPS, due to her work hours, of all the trivial things to take kids for! A Law to Put a Dent in CPS Child Trafficking tells the story of how Stephen K., Californias original activist against CPS, worked with a legislator to get better laws introduced to the state social services statutes. People never believe me when I explain things they just say Im lying and cps would never do that. Why would my depression affect child custody under Texas law? Prepare for that hearing and remember only the judge makes the final decision, not the social workers who are trying to frighten and weaken you, and beat you down. God has a plan in all of this! God the father says He will never me leave me Nor forsake me. You can STILL do things for them, get a chest for each one and fill it with things they love, have stars named after them, etc. Heavy loads dull emotions. What is grief? Words of wisdom from a grandmothers broken and healing heart! Psychologists give business advice: protect yourself as much as possible from the unpleasant experience. DO NOT LET CPS win! But i do know that i want something done about my children having these strange marks all the time. Stop crying and live your life with purpose and give them a MOTHER to call the day they turn 18! You can leave a prayer request on this page. In the first stage, the person does not believe in the truth of the loss. Winter consider the future. This short time that we might be separated from our children will be nothing in Eternity. I guess the fact that he was there, and did not object to what his sister said, that his silence counted as agreeing. I try to maintain a positive attitude and i buy them gifts and i have gone to school to better myself i have a beautiful 3 bedroom house with just me and my man of 8 years and yet im still not able to see them or even talk to them and the gifts i buy cant have my name on them i feel so lost as to what to do, there adoptive mother has child abuse charges on her record for hurting my oldest and i still try to look past that and have a relationship with her but she does not want to talk to me or anything, please pray for me and my children i am feeling so hopeless and lately i have been feeling like i dont want to live anymore it just hurts so much all the time. I enrolled in parenting classes, and I am taking drug classes also, because my ex-sister in law told the police that I was on the floor drugged up, and my daughter claims she told the police that all this was not true. This is battle for our children, and grandchildren. Any normal loving parent would be! I lost my children 3 years ago. The painting and sawing and all that would be messy, but then in the end, what a beautiful house it is! I have forgiven but I need to forget. I am focusing on hearing my Father tell my children, Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Nothing else will matter because we will never be separated again. Is there anything I can do to avoid getting my son taken away? Arizona has cases that are EXACTLY what is going on with me. This is rare. Leave a message there if you need too. I know I am not the only one who has unfairly had their child taken, but I feel like I am completely alone. I never got to know my son he was taken from me an hour after I gave birth to him. In fact the stress and grief of the separation and loss of custody is related to an increased risk of alcohol abuse. Thank you. Eat good foods. It is terrible and nearly unbearable, but we have to get through it. Ive wanted to start up something for these parents who are working to get their children back or just need a shoulder to lean on. It has now been 2 years and I was appointed a respite care giver to the other grandparents who were going to take guardianship. Educate yourself to understand parenting in the context od divorce, Ensure that the stress does not get ot the child. While moving a family member (ex-sister in law) forced my daughter into her vehicle and took her to the police department and told the police that my daughter was trying to commit suicide. The death of a child is the greatest sorrow for parents. Express your grief in creativity. And remember Jochebed, Moses mother, who had to give him up? Keep doing the next right thing. I was honestly trying to take care of my son. I lost my children three girls in 2011. I have 4 boys and he is the only one with substance abuse and anger issues. And right now it may be dark but one day we will all see the Light. The most common response is you know they will come looking for you when they turn 18 which is no comfort to me. Short-changing yourself on sleep is sure to cause trouble. You can still be happy. It is crazy that CPS thinks that taking children away from depressed parents is the thing to do. I ended up relapsing on heroin and when my mom found out she called cps on me. I'm still a kid myself! Suicidal Ideation Maybe this is an idea you could take to your state legislators. My suggestion for you is that sometimes serving others can be the greatest blessing. I had a drug problem but i was never a violent or abusive person or parent. And the state is telling me that my daughter will not be reunited with me as long as Im there because its not considered stable housing. Also, a story in the Bible similar to my story (I gave my child up for adoption her safety) is the story of Jochebed and Moses and Miriam. Do you have a case appointed lawyer? That is what keeps me going. I feel such an emptiness inside but Im too numb to cry. I dont want to give up but I need a support group or something for thisone where people will help one another fight cases together and not just sit and discuss troubles although that can be useful to some extent too and wallow in problems. Job not only lost his kids, he lost everything he owned and his health; even his wife turned against him. The key is proving that your depression will not have an adverse effect on your ability to act as a parent. They like to terminate parental rights and adopt the children out. Well Im bout ready to give up..I dont wanna even think about what might happen from this point..yesterday was my last stateso here I sit..witj sleep mess and wine..smh..if I what else to do..Im gonna go crazy n Id rather for before that. I am wondering who you reported this to. My son has showed up to visitation many times with marks and they have an excuse everytime. My 3 kids are gone because the first 3 drug test werent enough and I failed the 4th hair folicale for OTC sinus meds. And we grandparents and other family members separated from the babies as well go through situational depression. About 11 percent initially suffered from depression but improved; roughly 7 percent had symptoms of depression before the loss, which continued unabated. The idea that the relationship between you and your child will change following a seperation with your spouse or due to other issues can be distressing. The loss of custody of a child can be devastating. Hang in there!! I am always alone im used to it now. I pray that the laws will change and that the laws will allow parents a lengthier period of time to get their act together so that they can be reunited with their children. Kenneta, I got my baby back from CPS after eight months but my ex-husband used the CPS case against me in family court and lied about me in court documents. Theres never real happiness. Alice, Im sure youre not the only mom who doesnt want her kids back, so I wouldnt call it abnormal. There are nine factors in all, focusing on the emotional and physical needs of the child and each parents ability to meet them. Several theories have been put forward to explain this reaction, and they described seven stages of grief. My name is laura wright , my son was taken from me , hes now two months old im so very depressed I need guidance on how to handle this situation please help me .. Laura, please sign up for our message board so you can get feedback and support from the other parents there. I hate cps. Doing the right thing is what being responsible is all about. They were taken after my husband went to jail and had multiple charges that had him supposedly doing 6YRS!!!! I am in arizona, over a month ago my six children were taken by cps. They are very young 1 and 6 months. The symptoms of PTSD can include flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, behavioral changes, aggression, mood swings, numbness and panic attacks. Copyright OptimistMinds 2023 | All Rights Reserved. It all started because a school lost my autistic daughter for hours and I called police against schools wishes. I dont know why I am even sane myself. If not. God did allow what happened first as a test for each member of my family as individuals and also to give each of us an opportunity to glorify him. The tears I cry for you each day could surely fill a cup. Find a way to help others it will take your mind off your problems and bring some joy into your life. And I mean everything but the clothes on my back. Maybe because I became a debby downer. In 2018 I had a knock on my door, someone reported I was using meth and I was a parent of 2 younger children. Im not kidding! He was separated from his family and went through Hell before he became and important man in Egypt. So the main differences between grief and depression are: Grief is an emotional response to the loss of loved ones, and depression is a clinical syndrome. I will always be love her. As much as it kills me to not see them i would at least like them to still see each other considering they were more like best friends rather then siblings they were never apart and never went anywhere without each other. My ex and his lawyer did everything they could to bleed me dry and drag the proceedings out. And wow-if anything is proof of how much you love them-it is your depression over losing them. Still, depression could affect your parental rights, so its important to discuss your situation with a knowledgeable Austin child custody attorney. I thank God for my little ray of sunshine back in my life. Live your life in such a way that your children will have a faithful path on which to follow. You can also take the effort to indulge in self-care changes by paying attention to your diet, your sleep, and your physical body. I feel so helpless this is my third time dealing with Dcfs since i got my son from his dad in which I called them on him since hes involved in human trafficking ave he held my son since idiosyncratic want to do that anymore. One day your children are going to grow up and have kids of their own! I cant let go of the anger I feel and no one to tell. Im not sure. Its not over until the fat lady sings! God bless everyone here in this forum and more that come here after. I EVEN HAD THE CASE WORKER TELL ME SHE WILL NOT SAY ANYTHING GOOD ON OUR BEHALF.BY THE WAY OUR CASE WORKER CUT ON HERSELF. Factors affecting mother-child visiting identified by women with histories of substance abuse and child custody loss. But now its happening to my grandkids cause parents dont demand real solutions. My daughter was taken out of my arms in the hospital at 3 weeks old bcc of my addiction to subutex and Xanax.I was there with her the whole time and they never gave me a chance Louisiana is horrible about taking newborns and getting large amounts of money by adopting them out.I am devastated and I do not want to live .I read an article about how women who have had their babies taken try to have more to replace the baby they lostmy babies father beat me and abused me the whole time I was pregnantI sought help but found noneit was only after my perfect precious daughter was born that people became interested in meI find that strangeI am poor and could not afford a lawyer.I have not seen zailey since February.I will probably never see her againa warning to any woman who is pregnant and taking any prescribed medicine beware, they will be waiting for your little precious gift!!! I will never sign that paper agreeing that the child I carried inside me for 9 months will never again call me mom. [My CPS case was about domestic violence I was battered by my babys father.] My life just didnt go in that direction. Never been on drugs and theyre trying to use the ONE TIME that I drank against me! It is hard for me to do this. What God promises is that if we will surrender everything to him, he will work it for good, not best but good. He said once a month. However, violent behaviors, self-injury, or suicide attempts can present a danger to your child, and simply being unable to provide basic childcare due to loss of ordinary function can impact custody decisions. 7 Things I've Learned Since the Loss of My Child And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair. I feel like Im going to have a nervous break down Im barely hanging on. This is not the end of the story. No last names. None of the information on this website is intended to be legal advice. Featured Shared Story I know God sees us through our trials, and sometimes we never know why. Nov.5 2013 I voluntary gave my kids to cps so I could get on my feet my sons dad took 1,500 from me so I was evicted and I have no family or friends.. ive lost my kids my home everything when i stepped into treatment. Im so lost in my own feelings & I feel my heart will never heel. I am only 24 with three children. by . Seriously, STOP thinking of them. I do believe that they do care a lot more about their jobs and the attention than the lives that are being wrecked but dwelling on this subject makes me a nervous wreck and I have to forgive and move on. Best but good we will surrender everything to him god sees us through our trials and. Children having these strange marks all the time and theyre trying to take care of my child depression after losing custody of child poem thou Dead... In life cry for no reason at all depression way worse my heart will never sign that paper that! 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