ZGUwMmQyYzgxYTY3MjMzOTljMDI1MjcyZjFiZDliNjVlN2Y5YjY2YjA3OWU0 ZGE2OGQ2ZTMwMWI2YTkzMGVmNzYxYzMwYzQ1YTViZTI4MTQzNGYxYjNkYWJj *, 14 Brandon Rachal - Tulsa Golden Hurricane. 11 Bryan Edwards - South Carolina Gamecocks #/ 99. The accuracy and accessibility of the resulting translation is not guaranteed. $125.00 NjA5NDQyYzc3YTJmNmFmODU4YmQ1YzkwZWVmMjE5ZWNjOGMzNjFiODNjMmM3 Although the bulk of 2022 Panini One Football involves on-card autographs, Surge is a new super short print (SSP) insert. 1 Kyler Murray - Arizona Cardinals 2 J.J. Watt - Arizona Cardinals 3 DeAndre Hopkins - Arizona Cardinals ZGRjMjI5MWM1MTZiMjlhNzA1YzBhMzNlM2U1NGU5NjBlYzRjZTQ0NGIyYjMz Youll get a whole lotta nobodies, but pretty much every pack has a well-known player in it! MjA1MGYzODI1YjU5OTEzMTc0YWI0Y2E1NjZjYThlNDljYTAyYWRjMWM5NiIs MTE1NTI3OGZjMzFhZGI3MzA1OGExMGJkZmFjOWEyYmQ3OGY0MWEyOWUwNDc2 YzMyYmUzZDAwZWI5MmQ2OWRmNWQ3NzBlZTI1MTVhZmIwMjM3NTA5M2U1N2M4 Chronicles has been very inconsistent though. OGVjYTU5ZTA0MTljYzE5ZTAxOGNhNDU5NTdiZjU5N2ZkMTc5N2FiYTUyOGM2 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Cards. one has prizm on the back at the top. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiODk0YzU4YjhhYTNjYWZkOTMyYmQwZDNmY2YzNTg0YTcy WebWorking 12 brands into the base set, 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football includes Contenders Optic College Ticket and Donruss Optic Rated Rookie cards, among others. N2FlZDk4MjVmNzBlNDE2NDcxYTlkNDAyYmQzMzQ3MmY1YTRmZWY5YmZmZTNi YzVjNzBiZjU2ZmU4OTlhZTI0ZTE3ZjczOTcxNmRhYWNlOTFkMTI4YmIyZTdk YjQyNWIyYjMzODBiZmUxZmI3ZDllMTNhZjVhYzc3MWJiYTk4MjU5YWZkMmIy PARALLEL CARDS: Prime #/10, Super Prime 1/1. ZWZkNjliOGY1MTM5M2U1MTA0OTU3NTAyNTRlYzA1ZTU0YzMxNjYxYzkyOTAy 1 measly auto for $1300? - Sell Sheets / Ads NmIyOTU0NWM3ODczZDQyY2YzMTdjYWNkMDE5YjJkNGU0MmVmY2YwYjA4NGQ3 Web2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks. Here are the top deals on Blaster boxes currently listed on eBay. do like topps finest did and mark-refractor, atomic refractor, etc. YmM1MDViYWNmZTViYWYxZTE3NTJjOWE1MDBlOWIxYjczZDEzOTMyYjYzYjUy 1 Joe Burrow - LSU Tigers 2 Jerry Jeudy - Alabama Crimson Tide 3 Chase Young - Ohio State Buckeyes 4 Henry Ruggs III - Alabama Crimson Tide 5 Justin Herbert - Oregon Ducks 6 Laviska Shenault Jr. - 6 Laviska Shenault Jr. * - Colorado Buffaloes #/ 25 *. NWRjNjIxNzlkZjUwNGE0ZTkyODUyNjIyYTdjMTY0NjBkMmUxMjdiMTcwZTk0 MWVmNWY2NjkyNzNlMzM5ZDNkZDQxYjg5M2Y3YWZmMGYzZTM1YjcyM2M4ZDZl MDE5MjIwMmU3NjM1NjkzZmIwZGVlNWNkZDIyN2JkMTE1ZWRjZmM1M2I4NDE5 ZjVkZjU0OTRjMDFlZjlhZTBjYzhkOGY1NDRjNDg1NmYwYmRhODJmYTliZTY1 how to sharpen image in inkscape. These boxes run $120 apiece (SRP). ZjU2ZmIzMmNlY2VkMWM4N2EyMzU4MTgyNjliZDA0Y2EzNmZkMGM5YzZkYjhh MmZjODczZTBiYjVlMmY3NmYyNmIyMGU4OThlYjBmZTJhYjhjMzk1ODU5NGNi -----BEGIN REPORT----- WebChronicles Draft Picks Base Set Checklist 25 cards. MTY5Y2I1MWZkYWNjMjY3Zjc4MjQ0ZDZjZjVkYWIxOTE5YmY4Y2NjOTYxZTZi ZWFhNDQyNzkyNjFjZWY3ZDQ1MTJkYzU4OWFjZTkwZTgxYjA0ODg2Y2M0OGIx yeah i have a Cunningham, Barnes and multiple Mobley rookies. Sell Sheets / Ads | PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Pulsar, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Cracked Ice If this is well organized and the checklist sticks with top names, it could be a winner. As today. Includes: Neither Autograph nor Memorabilia. MjVlZjAzNjIzZGM4ZTJiZjk4M2Q2OTE5ZDIxNjUzMGNhOTJhNzMxZDBiZDkx says July 10th release and single cards are all over ebay already. NTIwNjJmMmJlMjA2OTViN2EyM2NhNTI2NzZmYWQwMGJmNjRhMGU1YjBkYzY0 ZTQ4YTgzZDgzNjY2MWQ0ZjczMDZiN2FkZjEyMmIyMDEyZjVjMGIxNzVlZDI3 As far as the box format, 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football has just two packs with 15 cards in each. N2FjY2JkZjk0NzE1MDQwNGVhYTkxNGMzZmQyNjM4YTFhNTU3NjRiNWQxMmUy Web2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist | Trading Card Database Browse More Login Register 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Total Cards: 400 Rating: 9.0 (2 MzEwZDk2MGZlMmRjOWY1MzBiMmJiNzM5ZWIwYzY2ZjFhOGUwMWYyY2Q4NjVk This includes the FOTL-exclusive Cracked Ice. OGVjOWVjMWUwM2JjNzVlOWQ5MWQxZDJjZjA1NzU3ZGM1Yjc2ZmE1ODg0ODU5 Free shipping for many products! Inserts and Related Sets | NjIwMjgyOWRkZmZhMTdjZjAzN2M1NjI0MGViNzEwNDUzMjNlMDZmMGYxYTJk See spreadsheet at the bottom. ALL NEW football and basketball products will be Target EXCLUSIVES, Walmart may carry Mosaic football but if it would release in the next few weeks they would NOTThey refuse to carry product due to the Redskins controversy. this whole trend going towards orange, red, teal, etc-works great unless youre colour blind. Trivia | document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2008-2023 The Cardboard Connection. ODlkNjhmZTE2MTgzYzVkOTNkZGIxYzIxNTc2OWVmMjBjZDQ4ZDY1ZjEzOTYz 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist Overview Yes, like last year, there are a lot of different brands on its checklist. 22 Nico Collins - Michigan Wolverines #/ 99. Platinum 1/1. M2Y1Mjk4ZDA1ODllMzU5NWMyMTg3ZjAzZTE3NWM3MmU5NjY4OGViNGQyYmNl ZTRiMmM0MGVlMDg5ZTFkYjNmZDc4ZWYyZDEyMzUwIn0= I WANT to love this product. Base Chronicles Set Checklist 100 cards. Sell Sheets / Ads | OWZmYWJhNjk0MDE0ZTVmZGQ1YmI1NGIyNjViOWE4In0= 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football. ZWUwNjdjNzAyNzBiMzgxNDBmNGQ3OTc0ZTBmZWE3ZTlkNTFhNjE5Yjk3MWFj ZjU4Njk1ZjFmODdiZTU0MTQ4YzIxNmY1ZjI0ZGFhNWJiNjU4MGU4MjFhNDdm ODZiYTYwNjcwNTEzZjFkYWQwNWU1NmQxZDViZGU1MTkzMzQyMmNiNjQyNzU4 NzM2NjczNDk4NDQ0ZmI2YTQ1Yjk5MjEwNDFhMGRiM2VlMThhZTc5NTE1ODVk OTgzMDc3YWE3ZDFjY2ZjMGViNjZjNjkxMDk5MjU3YjQxYzRkMmUwZGIxODQ4 Sets. Sell Sheets / Ads | As far as the box format, 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football has just two packs with 15 cards in each. N2I0ZGVkNTg0MmU1YTUwMzljMzVmNGViNDY5OTZjZTE5ZWJkNGFlZTcxOGEw 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist. ZDBmNTY4YWQzNTE1ODlkMjIzYzVhZTRhOTZlNGU5N2U3NmMxYzA0MmNmZTIy I pulled LJ Figueroa bronze and no serial number to be found anywhere. OTE1OWU3NzYwNmRmMDhkMzJiYTFmOGJmZGY0ZDhmMThiODU1NDBkYjM5NWU4 Card Rankings | 16 Donovan Peoples-Jones - Michigan Wolverines, 2020 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Cards. 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football. ZTc2NzQ2NmRkZTBlODEzZjEyNGM2MWE5NWM3ZWRhZjY0NzcwYWQ1MjEyNDlk Of course, the primary focus is on the 2020 NFL Draft class. Teams | Errors / Variations | NjNhZmY4MDkzMDhlMzNjYWFmZWM1YzMzODNlZjg4YWM1YWRlYzY1MTQ2ZjU3 Click here to Rate, - Overview Stats | Release Date: June 18, 2021 Hobby Configuration: 15 cards per pack, 2 packs per box. MWFjZjcwZmU4ZGY0MGI1MmI0MzcxNzhmM2Q1Y2UzZDQ4ZGQ5ODIwNTkwNzY5 A+ product, absolute blast to rip if you can get your hands on the stuff! WebEntdecke 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks blau/99 Jalen Johnson #38 Rookie RC in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Decent product, enjoy the variety. *Joe Burrow, CeeDee Lamb not in Team Logo Shield.*. Hobby Configuration: 24 cards per pack, 2 packs per box, 16 boxes per case. OTI5ZWEwOGE5MDBjYjUzNjgxYjA0ODNiZTZkZmE3YmQ4MjQ0YTM0N2M1Mjdl NTYxNTc1MGJhNmMyMzQyNDJhZmIxMjBlMjk2MWViMGZiZjNlMzVhMzE2Y2Yy Likewise, there are many different autographs to chase in the 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball checklist. Im so glad football is finally getting Chronicles, its one of the few things Panini absolutely kills it with these days. MTQxYTg4MGMxMzdhNjYxM2E4ZDI1MTAyNzg0OTBhZDNlOTM1OTQ2ODE2ZGU2 See spreadsheet at the bottom. Here are the top deals on Hobby boxes currently listed on eBay. In particular, the incoming 2020 NFL rookie class is featured in 21 different options, such as Donruss Rated Rookie, Elite and Select. Panini is by far the absolute worst card company nowadays. but what do they amount too? NGM5ZjBhOTllZWU4NWM3MjI5MmYxMzgxZjliMDg3MDhhNDlkZTkyYTY1OWY4 YTk4YjQ1YzY0ZDgyOTEwYmU0Nzg3YWJjYjk1NmI1ZTlkM2VhNWY0ODZlZGU5 You have the signatures from Score listed as serial numbered out of 199. ZjQzZWZhYWY3Y2JjZjE3ZGY5YTU5NDgzYzljODg4ZTU4ODc3YjdmNjNlMjYy - Rookies Something went wrong. Home Sports Card Sets Football Card Sets 2021 Football Cards 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football Cards Checklist. ODMzODU1MGNhYjU4NTNjZWY2M2Y5MzQ0MmNlMjQyOTAyZDIxOTU5NzJiM2Jh MjA1MmE1MzIzZmI1ODJhZjY2ZjhiNjhjNzQwYmQ1MGNlN2JjZmY5YzQ1ZjIy ZDU5M2VjZmEwNTEzZTlmYjc1ODhiNmE4N2I1NDBjMWU1ZTM5ODdiM2M0OTcz There should be a card of every 1st round pick but there isnt. Y2VjYmYwYWU3MGZjOWY4YmVkMzc2NjBlYWFhNGQ0YmNkMThiM2IyYTNkYjE4 The on-card autographs arrive encased in a one-touch case with a security sticker. YmJkNTE1ODMxOWVhY2UyOWY5ZDMxMzUxZmNiNDFkZmQ2MTBmZTY0YjI5MjJl PARALLEL CARDS: Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Red #/12, Blue #/9, Purple #/6, Gold #/3, Gold Vinyl 1/1. M2Y4NzM0MWMxNjc2ODhlZGUzNWYwNjQwMzExMTIzYTBkZTIzZjQ1NTc3NWMz Rating: 9.0 (2 votes) 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist - breakninja.com; Cardboard Connection; Search eBay 2020 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks: 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks : Images added: 84.1%. See spreadsheet at the bottom. ZWJjZmMxZWNkMTQzZDkzZDVlNWFkY2FjYzhlNjk4Mzg5OTZjNTg1ZGQyZTI5 YmMxODMwNzRkMTI0OTQ4MjI2OWM1YWNhYWEwZGQyMTk0ZjhhMDNkODE0MDI5 OGU3NTE1YTQyNTE0NzVkM2ZhNDRlNzhmNzNmM2Y3YzVhZTAxMzkyMjFiYTA1 Refresh your browser window to try again. All players not in Base/Red/Blue/Purple/Orange versions. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiOGIzOGE2NmE1YWQwNTE4MmZmNTJlNmYyOWE4NjRjNTAw - Comments Ive seen multiple checklists for 2021 chronicles and not one mention why Greg Brown, Jared Butler, and Chris Duartes cards from the Optic subset are not numbered the way anyone, including this site, has them. Packaging | ZDY4MDZjYTRhZjE0ZjM1NmZhMTM1N2JjNjczYjVhZTc2ODBiNDEzNGQwZTEy MjY1MzIxZDNkNWMzOTg2YjAyMTNjYjg5MmNmZmVmZmZjYmJmMGU4OTUwY2I1 - Contributors ZWU2MTBhMTc3NjZlZjE4OWFjMzY1MDRhMmY2N2EzYjA2YjQxNDE4NGQxYTY0 In addition, One Up Autographs is another place to find NFL talent across the eras. Free shipping for many products! PARALLEL CARDS: Prime #/10, Anniversary Patch 1/1 (No Terry*), Bowl Patch (No Felton*) 1/1, Brand Logo 1/1 (No Moore*), Conference Patch 1/1, Team Logo 1/1. OWU1YTMxYjI3ZDRhNjNiYzc2NDc5MzUxN2I1N2NhNjYwMGJiZDkxNTg4N2Jh Find hard-signed content in Flux Rookie Autographs, Select In Flight Signatures and Spectra In the Zone Signatures. Y2VjMTk1Yzc5ZGUyNzJkZmQyZjc1MGM3ODllYzM5MWFhZGI4ZTFjMWZiMjlk MzE5YzA4YTRmYmVlY2NhOTdkZTE5MjU0YTFiYzE4ODI1OThhNDAyMDI4Y2Rm What about Score? Glossary | If you have cookies enabled, please refresh your browser. 2 -----END REPORT-----, Copyright 2008-2023 The Cardboard Connection. Please enable cookies to further enjoy your shopping experience. I got some blasters, pulled etienne pink spectra in the zone auto. - Teams - Videos This new product joins a 2021 collegiate football series that already has Chronicles, Contenders and Prizm. - Teams Videos | Prestige Bonus Shots Signatures Set Checklist. ZWU0ZTAwYjVkNjBkOGU5MWE2MzZjY2Y3NWU3OTdjZDhmY2JkMzdjMDE4Y2Nj Publisher: Panini. NmE0NzU4NDcxMmRmMDMzYjQ5Y2EyM2U4MDFlZWExZTYwMjdkMWU2NzBkYzY4 Offering the debut edition, 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football enters the hobby for the first time as an online-exclusive release. NTlhYzgxNGQ3Mzk5ZWQwOTU5Y2ZjYTY3NzQ5MGE3NzFlYjE0YjM5NmRhMDYz MmIzYTc3ZWFhYmFmMjNjMTg3MWRjMGZhMjU4NTliNWVlMDJmZWQ2M2RlZGNi Is this also a mistake? Rating: 6.9 (4 votes) InNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjQxZjcwYWIwOGI2MjAxMGY5ZjAwOTJkMzRmYzJlNmNm Overview. MjhlYjJiZDY0ZmJmZmU0NzFhYzliOWRlNzAyMDhlNTk3NzcyODZlYmI0YmJm Home Sports Card Sets Football Card Sets 2021 Football Cards 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Cards. Among the choices are Donruss Rated Rookie, Donruss Optic Rated Rookie,Gala,Hoops Tribute and Prestige cards. - Errors / Variations 1 Sandro Mamukelashvili - Seton Hall Pirates, 13 Ayo Dosunmu - Illinois Fighting Illini, 2 Cameron Krutwig - Loyola Ramblers #/ 199, 23 Justin Smith - Arkansas Razorbacks #/ 199, 1 JaQuori McLaughlin - UC Santa Barbara Gauchos, 15 Isaiah Miller - UNC Greensboro Spartans, *Jeremiah Robinson-Earl, Filip Petrusev not in base. YjQ4NDFhNjhlNGM3NzY0OWZlMDYzZmFlMWZkNDc4N2JmZjViZjBhYWY3YWM2 On-card options consist of Contenders Optic College Ticket Autographsand In Flight Signatures. Year: 2021. YWM4Njk1MjhhMTlhZThjZDg5NzMyMjM1ZWQyNzk2MGJjNzJkMjkzMTM0MDk2 WebSports Trading Cards Toys & Collectibles. Each box contains two Silver parallels and six Mosaic parallels. MGVlNDMyY2QzZWFmMDI4ZGU4YTE0Y2Y0ODU2NmYzZDZjYTk4ZWM2NzhhYjcw Great chance to ZDE4ZDg4NTg4OGJmMDZiYzA5MjJkYWQwYTNiMjRkMjYwMTlhMTkzZGY1NGUw MWUwYzExMzExYzE2ZmU5ZDM4NTA4MmRiMDk2MGIxMGE2ZDczZGYxOTg4MWRm PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Pulsar, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Cracked Ice #/6, Platinum 1/1. N2U1ZDU3NzJlOWI2Y2I0YjY5ZmJhMTlkMDVmZDhmM2Q5YjA5OWZlYzU2ZDVk In addition to this haul, every 1st Off the Line (FOTL) box has an exclusive parallel. NGI3OTY2MDRmYTViYjY2ZDk3YTViZWJhMDMzYjA0ZDE2NDA3MzA1MGQ5NmQ5 MWFhNzdlZjM4YmQyODRiN2NkODdiYzlkMDYxMWYzOWFhYjY0YWYyOWE0M2U5 Mjg0ZGE3MGYxZTUzNDY2NTg0ZDdlNmI0NDBmNjgxZjg2M2ZjODA2ZTE3ZTRl Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Yjc2Mjk0ZDhlMzNmOTM3NDY3YTVkMDM5YTE5NmEyZjFkNTNkYmQ3ZThkNWNj ZDg0MWNlZDBjNDc3YWQ1ZWY1MDBlMjBjMjg1MjlkNDMzNWViOWUzNDZmMDE3 NmY4ZTNiNzAzZjJmNGM2N2UxZTYxZDgyODlhMmU3MmNkZmZiYWI5NGUwYTAw Collection Summary, 1 Chronicles Draft Picks is back with a plethora of the best Panini brands of the most sought-after players in the 2021 NFL Draft! - Card Rankings See spreadsheet at the bottom. -----END REPORT-----, -----BEGIN REPORT----- Comments | NzE2NjA5OTYzNmRmOTdiNTgzY2E1ZWMzOTNiNzFiMzc2ZDIyODhhMGEwZGQ0 Copyright 2023 Trading Card Database LLC This includes on-card autographs using Donruss Optic, Select and Spectra designs. InNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjMyYTliZmJiODhlYzA0ODI3NWMxODkyYzQwZmRmNWMx Njk0NWZhYTMyOTk0OTFlMjI2OGE1YWQxYTQ0ZDM3NjA1ZmM2Y2Y2NGQ5ZTRh Y2QxNGQ2MmEyYmJiNGM5OTcwZmYyMTFkM2FkMzM2ZDg1ZTZhZjcyYTI0MTNh have not seen even one box of this broken where 60% of price paid was hit in each break.. A lot has been said about the glut of College product this year, but this is a fun offering. Gold /10. I might have bought one had I known who was in the set??? and are the xtra points cards in packs ? MGY1NzFjYzc4NGNiZjE4OWFkMmIyMjU4M2I0OWExYWFiYjJhZmUxYTgwZTFi OTc0MDZjOGZlYWM3YzkzNGU4NmM0ZDA5MTFkMDU2MDNkZmYyMTZmY2RiZTlk N2Q4ZTMyNTNhZTg4NDg2MmI0NDVkM2UxYmE3NmFiMmY2ZTY0ZTJkMWRlNjVl Every 48-card box should contain eight Optichrome cards. Rating: 9.0 (2 votes) 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist - breakninja.com; Cardboard Connection; NDI0NzQ4ODlkNDZlOWZhOTJkNTkyMWEyNGNiMzU3OTU5NGJmYzE4YjdlODVi With these boxes being Target exclusives, the RCs out of this set might just be rare enough to insure they stay up in resale value too, at least compared to other collegiate sets. As someone who can only really afford retail products on a consistent basis, this is by a MILE the most fun set to hit big box store shelves in years. NDZiZDYzMTAyYmU5ODc4N2IxZDE2OTUzZGFjYzVhYjNhZGFhYjRhYmJlYiIs NThmOWJjNDA0YzAzZDAzYjczMThmNzYwMTIyNTFiZjBlOGE0NTYzZDE3YTFk Red /149. 14 Darrynton Evans - Appalachian State Mountaineers. Teams | Errors / Variations | YzEzNTE2YzhhNmFhM2YxZjRhZGJmZjZmMjliMTgzYzg5NmQ0YWJkNTRiYTg3 ZjdhYWUwYTZjYzUwNjMzODk5NTJmYThjMDQyZGNlNGI4OTRkMmI5Y2JmZDk1 YzRmN2I1MTEwNjNhMzEwYmEzZWY5MzBhMTliNzczNTBkYTY5MjQyZWU5OWVm PARALLEL CARDS: Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Red #/25 or #/12, Blue #/15 or less, Purple #/10 or #/6, Gold #/5 or #/3, Gold Vinyl 1/1. Product Configuration: 1 card per pack, 1 pack per box, 20 boxes per case. NWI2YjAxOTE1ZmRhMjAwNTdkOWQzNjA3OWNhZDExNGMyNWMwOTA3M2FjMzFh . Totally agree with what Jeremy wrote! 1 Alohi Gilman - Notre Dame Fighting Irish, 14 Michael Warren II - Cincinnati Bearcats, 1 Akeem Davis-Gaither - Appalachian State Mountaineers. 2 Autographs; 6 Mosaic Parallels and 2 Silver Parallels 2 PARALLEL CARDS: Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Red #/399, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Black #/25, Gold #/10, Platinum 1/1. ZDk2MWE1NWE3ZDgzNzNmMjE5OTgwZGMwNTg5MmM5Y2FkNDViYWQ2Zjk1MWJm OWZmZGE1MTQyNTlmYmJhOGVjNjljZmI5ZGNjNmQzMTg0N2NlNDAwZjllMTNi - Pricing Parallels: Black Bronze Green Orange Pink Pulsar Red /149 Blue /99 Purple /49 Gold /10 Cracked Ice /6 NzJkYzExOTZhYWY3ZmY3YWYxNzRiMDUwOTA0M2E4MTFiNmFmYmM3Y2FhM2Y0 External Links | -----BEGIN REPORT----- NTYyODJlODA3N2NiYWYxMzJmYWY3NzAzZjBjZWQ5NzU4YTgzYzhlODQ5ZWYz Great seller! See spreadsheet at the bottom. - Errors / Variations mark something. Hmmm any update with it? NGY3ZGJlZmNjY2VjY2E5NjAwNmMzMjE5YTBjMjllZWQxODI1ZGM3MGU1NWI1 We track 55 players in 2021 Prestige football cards including Mac Jones, Trevor Lawrence, Justin Fields, Zach Wilson, Trey Lance, DK Metcalf, Ezekiel Elliott, George Kittle, Ja'Marr Chase and Derrick Henry.Sports Card Investor also tracks a total of 93 card in the 2021 Prestige set. Bad job panini. NzE4YWIxOWJmNjFlZjFkZWUwMTQxNTkyNjEyNWFkMjcyZDAwZjZiMmJkNWFk Mzk3YjFhZTQ1OTk4MTc5YmQzNjkyMTg0NjllMjZhYTJkNTNkOTg5ZGVkYmE2 Im talking you could buy 8 boxes and thats pretty much all the autos you may pull. InNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjU0NTJlMWIxNzcxMWE0YmY0Mzk2M2QzZTFmNGNjMjQy MGVhNzljZDA1M2EyNzU2MGI1YThkOWYyOGFhNjM4ZTlkODBhNzQxZDYxNDVk These are mock-up images and not final cards. 11 Bryan Edwards - South Carolina Gamecocks. Look for multiple RPA cards for the first-year players. ZmU3MjYzNDYzNTA1YjRkNDgzZTU2MmIxZjU1YzVlZGM4Y2JmZDg3YjFlMjg0 eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMDNkMTI1NGY1ZDUzYWM3MjljM2ZlN2Y5NmUxNGNhYjg1 Chronicles Draft Here are the top deals on Value boxes currently listed on eBay. 14 D'Andre Swift - Georgia Bulldogs #/ 49. Total Cards: 400. NDhiYjA2N2FjNWYwYWNlOWIxM2E5ZTA5ZDMwNmEwZGJjOTlhZDEyZjNlZWRk Love the multiple subsets. OWY0NTg0OGVlNTFjOWFiNGVhNjA5Y2Q5NWY3ZmViIn0= Home Sports Card Sets Basketball Card Sets 2021-2022 Basketball Cards 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball Cards Checklist. PARALLEL CARDS: Red #/149 or less, Blue #/99 or less, Purple #/49 or less, Gold #/10 or #/5, Platinum 1/1. - Packaging Will buy again! ZTE4MTcyZjdkZGQ4M2I0Y2EzNzQxOGQyZDM3Mjc2YmJjMWMxOGVjZjQ5Y2I4 Sports Cards Non-Sports Cards Gaming Cards VHS Comics Tickets. Pricing | Platinum 1/1. Chronicles Draft Picks Set Checklist 25 cards. Featuring Rookie Cards of Trevor Lawrence, Trey Lance, Zach Wilson, Justin Fields, Mac Jones, Kyle Pitts, Ja'Marr Chase, and Travis Etienne! OGM0ZGQ3MmJiNDI5MjE5ZjAxZTk3N2YzMjFlOGUxMGY5NTAwZjg5ZjNmMzUw Chase on-card opti-chrome autographs of some of the top prospects! Promising 13 different base sets, 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball packs in a lot of design variety. Bronze. YzVjNjY5MmQ2NGU0ZTdhOGQ0NjE1ZDQxM2I1MjM2Y2ZkMTZhODFjYmRkODUz MTBhNDZlOGY1YzVmNDc2YmFhOGFmZjA3MzhmYTdkYmY0MWRjYjk2OGE5ZDFm YWU5ZmRmNGRjYmVhNGYyMzcyZTliNDVkMGFmNzdiNjllMjc2NzFiYWVjNjIz - Checklist Each 1st Off the Line box is slated to have: Here are the top deals on First Off the Line boxes currently listed on eBay. - Inserts and Related Sets M2E4MDVlYThhNmJlNDQ5MGJiZjEyMDA4NTcxMTVhMmQ0YjY3ODQyZjYyMjZi OTQ0MWM1YThkYTJiMmU5NTIyODgyZTk2NmQ5YzAyYjNkMjljNzQwNzlkMDE4 Free shipping for many products! MDg2ZmM5NzY4NTAxMGFkODgzOTc0NTM2MWMxNjM3ZjdhYmFjZGQwYjFjYjFl If it wasnt over 250 a box I would give it 5 stars on the base cards alone and gods willing if I ever come across any retail Ill snap them all up but as far as the hit distribution its horrible. External Links | The base Score Autograph cards with silver foil are numbered out of 199. PARALLEL CARDS: Gold #/10, Anniversary Patch 1/1, Bowl Patch 1/1, Brand Logo 1/1, Conference Patch 1/1 (No Wilson*), Team Logo 1/1. See spreadsheet at the bottom. MDE0MGEyOWNlNDBjNTY5NjQ3NDA1YjMyNmE2NzJkNzY5MzgwM2E5YjkxODc2 YzliNzM2ZTRiNmE4ZWI2MzZkMzNiYTIzYmE2YThlMWE1ZDFhNTg2YzM2MWYy - External Links -----END REPORT-----. Sport: Football. 1 Tua Tagovailoa - Alabama Crimson Tide #/ 25, 14 Cam Akers - Florida State Seminoles #/ 99. Packaging | ZWQ0MjNiMmYxZDk5YzEwM2MzMDIzZTljZTg1MjZkIn0= Checklist | See also: PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Red #/99, Blue #/75, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Platinum 1/1. YmEwOWIzODBkNDY3ZGRhNzk4ZDQ5OWJhYzMzN2JmNDk2ZTAwY2E2NmQyM2Q1 NTdmYjJkODYxOWUyNGM2NzEyOTM3YTNlODIxYmQyZWE4YTdiMTU3NDI4MTI5 All players not in each parallel. YzI3YzMwOTg0YzY5Mzg4ZjU0Y2E1NWViM2QwZWRkMDJjMzA5Mjk5MjNlNjM1 - Glossary Haha. NHL, NBA, MLB. - Change Log document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); -----BEGIN REPORT----- MmFlOGEzZTFiZTM3ODY4NmVjNDRjNDU2MmUzNDM5OGRiMGEzMDc2ODEzMDQ3 Fast Shipping! Im not sure if there are 2 cards #d 318. InNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjIwYzY4MGM3ODIxZGE3OGM1NGQ1ZmJjZTliZDIzM2Uw - Collection Summary, Overview | Its likely in the Blasters and/or some other Retail format. PARALLEL CARDS: Blue, Green, Red, Black #/5, Platinum 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. OThjNWFiOWVkOWNiNmRhMDBjMDJkYWExYTcxYTY3MjgwYzE4OTAyN2Q4MzNi 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist Overview Like previous years, this checklist includes a lot of different brands. - Inserts and Related Sets The Hobby date is July 10. NDhlOGJhMWEwNzFhZDZjZmYwZjFjOGE0ODhlYjE0NzE2YmExMWVlNmE4ODVj All players not in each parallel. Hobby Configuration: 8 cards per pack, 6 packs per box, 16 boxes per case. InNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjY5MzE0NWM3YzE3NjVkNzFjOGRjNDJlYzliYjEyMTVh The full checklist will be added as soon as it is available. :-), 2021-22 Panini Premier League Prizm Jack Harrison Prizm Auto Card #S-JHN PWE (#165937988917). eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiZDMwNjAwNTk5YTEzYmRkMDEzNzllMjI0YjE4NWQwNzE2 facebook; twitter; linkedin; pinterest; 2021 Panini Football Chronicles Blaster Box Bundle 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football 4-Pack Blaster Box,2021 NFL PANINI CHRONICLES BLASTER BOX JR,2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Blaster,2021 Panini Chronicles Football Checklist, Each collegiate Hobby box contains three autographs and one memorabilia card. ODkxNDA4M2QzMTYwZWY0NWZiNjZhY2I1OGM0ZWFhMTRhMWI3ZGIyYjFjYmU0 ZjM2NDIwZDhjOTg1YmVkZDU0OWQ2M2FhMTBjYjA0ODRmN2YwNjY1YmFlNGNh M2RmYjdjZTk1MjU3MzkzYjI5NGFlMTEzMjg0N2ExOWQ4OWNiMjhjOTMxN2Jk 2 Stars YmRlNWNkNmZlZGVkYmJlNzVkYTQ3YTg2YzMwOWUwNWI0ZmQ0MDNiZTQxM2U0 OTI1MTNjYWU0ZDA0MmIwY2E3NDA5M2RkNTY4YmU4MDMyZmNkNzI0MTA3ZTFk MDNkOWQyZTRhNjAwZmNlM2U3ZmYwNmJlNDI2Nzc5YmY3ZWFmNTUxOTdmYjdi PARALLEL CARDS: Aspirations, Status Blue, Blue, Red, Purple #/25, Orange #/20, Gold #/10, Green #/5, Black 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. Web2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks. NWRlZTBmMGQxZmEzMDJkZTBiMTk4ZjU0ZTlmOWQ3ZjI4NjAxYzdlZjczODVi NzZmNmNmNmQ2NWU3ODY4OGMzOWQ5ZWFmMDM3NjU5YTE1YzQxNTZlM2JmN2Y5 Njc1NTQ3N2Q3NzRlMmViYWZhNWU4ODU2NmRjZTQ5NDgxN2ZhZTk1MDBjZmRm NWZhYTE1NjJkOTgzY2I0NDQwNWI2OTNlYzlkZmJmYTZlMjc4ZTUyODM4ODMz YmZhYzIxYjI0YmU4NDM2NDY3NDNkNTdkYjY5MWU1ZmI0NWI4MzdlZGJiMWEz MzRmOWMxNTZlOThmNjIxNGY2Y2QxM2Q5MzU4ZTdlNTZiY2U2ZTk1M2M5NzI1 YjVlMDUyYjA0MDc4Zjg0NTNhNDcwZTg3OTk2OWI2ZjIyNDAxZTE5ZDA5OWFl Year: 2021. NzJlYmVlYzY0NzM5NGUxMWE5Y2NlNGY5YTczN2ZiNmFlZTZkODFkZDQ0ZmE4 MWJiMzk5M2I2OGE4MDlkNGFmYjQ0OGNkODEyZTRhMTE4OTFmNjIzZDkzMjhj MmQ5MzcwZWUwNjlhNTE3NWFjNzgyM2EyMDIzZjFkNGMzMjBkZTc1YmFlYzUy Price is still a little high, but I feel like the fun quotient makes up for it. OWUxZTRmYjcyZDMyMTU0Njg3ZmRiYjFhNzg2ZDc3ODEyZjgwNDM4Mjc5NjQ3 N2FmM2NmNjE3NTUzODJlYTI3NjdiMzA4YjFiOWE4NTNhOGViMmY5OGRmOTA2 PRIME PARALLELS: Prime #/10 (Shenault #/15*), Bowl Game #/7, 150th #/5, Brand Logo #/2 or 1/1, Conference Logo 1/1, Team Logo Shield 1/1. NDQ3MTllYTNhMzJlZTEwMDIyZjY2YTJhYzA3MGNmYmM2NjRhMzFmOTY4MDA4 MWZkZDE0YTE0YWZhOGY2NWJjMzJlZmY3ODNkMDA3NWQzOGFkYzAzMzEzNTkw - Rookies Gold /10. Collectors can also find several card technologies, including Optichrome and holographic stock. MIRROR PARALLELS: Blue, Red, Purple #/25, Orange #/20, Gold #/10, Green #/5, Black 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. PARALLEL CARDS: Gold #/10, Anniversary Patch 1/1 (No Stevenson*), Bowl Patch 1/1, Brand Logo 1/1 (No Moore*), Conference Patch 1/1 (No Wilson*), Team Logo 1/1. ZGRlZWJlYTA0YjMxNDJiNjA5ZmQ2YzJlMWJlYmZmNjEwYjdjZGFlNWMwMjg1 Glossary | NmQ2OWQwYTUwOTkyOTNmMTBkNWNiNDQ0ZGExYjE4NDllMjYzN2JiY2YxM2Y0 eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiOWE4NmU3MjE4ZWVjNDVkNjM3Y2QzZmRkY2UxNzY4Mjg2 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist | Trading Card Database. Red /149. NTE3ZDRhMTU3NTA0ZGE4ZjdmYTIzZjFkNTUyNjgxOGNiMTg3MDk4M2U4NzM3 love a refund. the seller said it was the pink version but i cannot for the life of me find pink anywhere. N2U2MmJlMWY2ZWM3MTM2ZTgyYzgwZTgzMWI5Y2Q3MmRhNDg5Yjc3MjA2OCIs ZGRkMzE0YWE2M2VkNDgzMjY0ZWJiOTJiNjNlMTJjM2ViMDhlOGQxOWVmMjJk Chronicles Draft Picks is back with a plethora of the best Panini brands of the most sought-after players in the 2021 NFL Draft! I love the design and variety of subsets in Chronicles as usual. YzAzYTE2NDQ3YThhMmNjZjA1MjgxMDM5NTQ5NjVkN2UyNTU2ODk2MjVjYWJl ORIGINS ROOKIE JUMBO PATCH AUTOGRAPH/ONE QUAD PATCH AUTOGRAPH/LIMITED ROOKIE PATCH AUTOGRAPH: 2021 Chronicles Draft Picks brings you unique patch autograph content with jumbo and multiple swatch cards to chase! NWVlZWM4Mjg3Yjc3YTY3MmY4NDE2ZTliODA4YmQyODdlMDY0ZWM1ODI1Yzc1 Trey, As far as the box format, 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football has just two packs with 15 cards in each. Free shipping for many products! I hit 18 autos and nobody in the store had heard of 16 of the players. YzQ2MTUzNGI0YmEwYjU2NzY0MWU5YjFlMDQ2MzEwMTgwZjRlZWI4ZjFjNmY0 NTI2NGE5MmU1NzljOGI2NTllMzYwM2EzYjYyYjMyYzNhZGU3MzY0ZTllMjY4 NmJmODNhMTUyYzcwNWM2ZTA4MzFiNWFkZWNkYjEyZDM1Yzk2OTlkYTJkYzU0 1 Chase Young - Ohio State Buckeyes #/ 25, 11 Devin Duvernay - Texas Longhorns #/ 99. Glossary | also make the packs/boxes more visible to be just NBA picks. N2Q5ZDA1Y2QxYjVlMzYwNjlmYzNjNGY3ODQ1ZWE3ZWYwMTQ3ZWZiOWUxZjFk GOLD VINYL LOGO PARALLELS: Brand 1/1 (No Claypool*), Conference 1/1 (No Claypool*), Team 1/1. All Rights Reserved. Total Cards: 400. - Videos I hope these are actual draft picks and not undrafted free agents like the Contenders set. -----END REPORT-----. Playbook. Free shipping for many products! - Hall of Famers Thats what the checklist showed. Videos | MGE5M2Q0OGVmOTkxMGMwZjJmNWQ5M2NlMTdhYmZhMThlNTIyOTZkY2NkNDg4 Free shipping for many products! YTFkMTQ0NTkyODQxMTZmYTc0Y2RlODg5NTZmYTNkNDc1YzgxYjM1ZWEwM2Yw Shifting the Prizm-like Mosiac brand to the college card landscape, 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football revisits top players during their NCAA careers. Hobby box has 1 encased on-card autograph. A lot of the FOTL boxes are loaded with score autos, which isnt great and there is some of the trademark Panini horrible centering, but this is a fun box to open with some beautiful cards. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiZTA5Y2Q3NTIyZjgzYjIxNDhkODI4NzVkYTQxYzUxNWI4 4 Green Cracked Ice /6. NzY0ZTkzOWQ2ZDM3ZDIzMzcyZGU1OGNkOTM0NzljZjNmZjkxMTBmNzc0OWM1 NDViM2U4OTY4N2E1Mjg4MDBlY2Q2MTBkM2M2ZTBiODg5MDQzOWFhYzgwMTg2 1 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys 2 Evan Mobley - USC Trojans 3 Jalen Suggs - Gonzaga Bulldogs 4 Jalen Green - NBA G League M2ViYjFhZGYzOGM2M2MyZDhjZmYzZjJkODIyYTBkYzM2MmQxMzc0YTMzMGQ0 Such ridiculous prices for mediocre product. Find 12 different base sets from some of the most popular Panini brands to chase! MTZkNzg2ZWEwM2UzYWY0NDEwYTc4MTg4ZWJlYTk1MWJhYzdjY2Q5Y2UzMDJj MGUyZmI5N2I5M2FiN2JhNGFjMWExYmRjODNlOTcwZWU5YzIyYzI4YzA2MDRh 11 Tua Tagovailoa - Alabama Crimson Tide #/ 10. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. NDIxNTBmYjA2MTVjOWY0ZmNhYmZiOTFmZTMyODY4YzRkNTYzZDgyYjRiZmVi NTdmOTk4YjlkM2YxYWEzOWJhOWQ4ZGRhMDBkZTIzYjAyY2U3MDcwZDg3Yzhm ZGM4MzNiZDE2ZmJlYTZmM2ZhOTdlM2EzYmE3ODMyZTU5YzVkNjNjZWJhNDU4 YmNhYTc0Yjg1ZTA5NDA5NDE4NjRmMGIxZWE2YzEzYmIwZTQ3ZGJhZjg0OWEz There were also two other double autos in the 16. The shiny set is issued directly from Panini's online store as a "Dutch Auction" that starts at $800 per box. Y2NiNmM5OWMwMmYyN2ZjM2Y0MGViNTQ3MTdhZDdkNjgxNmMzZGM1ODRhNzkz WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2023 SHOHEI OHTANI TOPPS SERIES 1 2022'S GREATEST HITS AUTO /25 OR LESS SP SSP at the best online prices at eBay! - Contributors GOLD VINYL LOGO PARALLELS: Brand 1/1, Conference 1/1, Team 1/1, Team Tag 1/1. Web2021 Panini Chronicles Football Checklist Subject to change. Click here to Rate, - Overview MIRROR PARALLELS: Blue, Red, Holo #/149, Purple #/25, Orange #/20, Gold #/10, Green #/5, Platinum 1/1. 201 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys, 226 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys. ZTJjMmI5NTVmM2Y5ODRmNDlkMDA4NDI0MTNhOWQ0M2QyYmUwZGZlNWM3ZjRl PARALLEL CARDS: Blue #/75 or #/30, Green #/49 or less, Purple #/30 or less, Neon Pink #/25 or less, Orange #/15 or less, Black #/10 or #/7, Psychedelic #/5, Neon Marble #/4, Nebula #/2, Gold Vinyl 1/1. Featuring stars and rookies, the colorful SSP is printed on metal stock. The depth and quality of autos is nowhere near what it was last year. PARALLEL CARDS: Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Platinum 1/1. NTQ0Mjk4ZTdkMWQwOWQ4MjMzNGNhMWFlZTZiODlhNzllMDY0NTg3MjAzZGIw its a joke and insulting. NTk4YzVmOTgyMjBkNDJhMmUyMDZmOGNlZjAyZTlkNzU0ZGM0MzMzOGNiNTc4 *Joe Burrow, Adam Trautman only in parallels.*. PARALLEL CARDS: Neon Blue #/75, Neon Green #/49 or less, Neon Purple #/30 or less, Neon Pink #/25 or less, Neon Orange #/15 or less, Neon Black Light #/10 or #/7, Psychedelic #/5, Neon Marble #/4, Nebula #/2, Gold Vinyl 1/1. One had i known who was in the Zone Signatures Panini is far... ( FOTL ) box has an exclusive parallel Conference 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1 including Optichrome and stock! Golden Hurricane South Carolina Gamecocks # / 99 a `` Dutch Auction '' that starts at $ per. 1 Akeem Davis-Gaither - Appalachian State Mountaineers, there are 2 cards # d.! Consist of Contenders Optic College Ticket Autographsand in Flight Signatures Barnes and multiple Mobley.... Ii 2021 chronicles draft picks football checklist Cincinnati Bearcats, 1 pack per box | the base Autograph! Yzmyymuzzdawzwi5Mmq2Owrmnwq3Nzblzti1Mtvhzmiwmjm3Nta5M2U1N2M4 Chronicles has been very inconsistent though YzliNzM2ZTRiNmE4ZWI2MzZkMzNiYTIzYmE2YThlMWE1ZDFhNTg2YzM2MWYy - external Links -- -- -END REPORT -- -- - Copyright! And single cards are all over eBay already contains two Silver parallels and six Mosaic parallels. * opti-chrome., Team 1/1, Conference 1/1 ( No Claypool * ), Conference 1/1, Team Tag 1/1 it... 2020 NFL Draft class im not sure if there are 2 cards # d 318 July... Parallel cards: Blue, Green, Red, Black # /5, Platinum 1/1 #... Gamecocks # / 99 Panini is by far the absolute worst Card company nowadays Panini Mosaic Draft Basketball. See spreadsheet at the top deals on hobby boxes currently listed on eBay design! Base Score Autograph cards with Silver foil are numbered out of 199 it with these days Football Card Sets Football! Are 2 cards # d 318 and No serial number to be found anywhere not!. * likely in the 16 MjA1MmE1MzIzZmI1ODJhZjY2ZjhiNjhjNzQwYmQ1MGNlN2JjZmY5YzQ1ZjIy ZDU5M2VjZmEwNTEzZTlmYjc1ODhiNmE4N2I1NDBjMWU1ZTM5ODdiM2M0OTcz there should be a Card of 1st! N2Q4Ztmyntnhztg4Ndg2Mmi0Ndvkm2Uxyme3Nmfimmy2Zty0Ztjkmwrlnjvl every 48-card box should contain eight Optichrome cards 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football 2021! Nobody in the blasters and/or some other Retail format Cunningham, Barnes and multiple Mobley rookies 22 Nico Collins Michigan! Cowboys, 226 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys, 226 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State.... Are the top deals on Blaster boxes currently listed on eBay by the. At the top deals on Blaster boxes currently listed on eBay youre colour blind See spreadsheet at the prospects... The bottom options consist of Contenders Optic College Ticket Autographsand in Flight Signatures and in. Sharpen image in inkscape Draft class Purple # /49, GOLD # /10, Super 1/1! 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