diverse and ethical perspectives examples

Thank you for the comment! What sociological concepts could help explain your decision making process? Or are they related in some way? Create your account. <>/Metadata 575 0 R/ViewerPreferences 576 0 R>> 0000009718 00000 n <>stream Implicit prejudice: The bad news and the good news. trailer 211 0 obj 0000016139 00000 n Every month, any leftover tip money she received at work went to a special 509 savings plan for my college education. I now understand that all cultures, including my own, are equal. The social justice perspective on diversity is a way of understanding how people from different backgrounds can come together to work and create in inclusive and ethical settings. . Cognitive Perspective. Though we may be taught to shun those sidelined by society, such as people living in poverty, people who arent a countrys dominant race, class, gender, religion or culture, experiences can enhance clarity and spark a willingness to confront social inequities. People in the company who have more power start to listen openly and think about what they can do not just to improve diverse representation, but to make the company a more just and equitable place for everyone. Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community. Conclude your essay with an insight about how your background or identity has affected your outlook, actions, and goals. I was recently part of a delegation visiting Skid Row, the largest concentration of homeless people in the United States. Striving for excellence requires more than just good intentions; it requires a conscientious effort at self-reflection and training. But in the future, I hope to study and work in international relations to continue learning about other cultures and impart a positive impression of Saudi culture to the world. 217 0 obj Operations Management. endobj Tara believes that this company would benefit from working with a social justice perspective on diversity. I would have liked us to be stronger in denouncing it, in hindsight, he said. Speak proper English! roared a store owner when I had attempted to buy bread and accidentally used the wrong preposition. Drawing on diverse philosophical and theological perspectives, the contributors debate the character of . Cultural diversity can help increase employee engagement. Far-right radio host Stew Peters, who has a history of spreading conspiracy theories, cast doubt in a tweet that the war is real. Clio has taught education courses at the college level and has a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction. Our speakers come from various backgrounds - law, education, computational science, innovation, consultancy, NGO - to allow a diverse representation and different perspectives on this topic. And how would you raise awareness and communicate the importance to others at your school in your role on the Diversity and Ethics . Overall business strategy. Innovation: Varied perspectives and lens of looking at the world lend to innovative thinking. Take a walking tour with our virtual tour guide to explore the sights of our beautiful campus. 214 0 obj Research showed that diverse teams are better at making decisions 87% of the time over non-diverse teams. Plus, telling details from justices about how they might vote on student loan relief, drag shows are the 2023 target, and more. How-ever, a more individual-oriented ethics initiative might focus more exclusively on the ethical reasoning and action of organizational members. For example: The social justice perspective on diversity is a way of understanding how people from different backgrounds can come together to work and create in inclusive and ethical settings. An increase in creativity within the workplace also helps to inspire unique marketing strategies. Understanding the difference between which decisions are the big ones that may need a more creative approach and the ones that we can decide on auto-pilot, can set a team apart from its competitors. If you read my byline, youll notice that I currently have two titles: Ethics Group Leader and Diversity Program Director. Ethics serves as the soil in which the seed of diversity must be planted and from which our understanding of the relationship grows. Some people might wonder about the connection between ethics and diversity. 0000035722 00000 n Here is another example from my personal experience. Recognition of diverse perspectives requires the self-awareness, intellectual flexibility, and broad knowledge that enables perception of the world through the eyes of others.1This includes but is not limited to the awareness and understanding of the customs, practices, methodologies, and viewpoints of varied cultures, individuals, and identities. Sometimes psychologists use the word, Ethics also refers to the General or Aspirational Principles that follow the Preamble in the APA Ethics Code. Although many authors have argued that a diverse or multicultural perspective will improve outcomes, this relationship was verified by the meta-analysis of Griner and Smith (2006) who found that interventions targeted to specific cultural groups were more effective than generic interventions provided to heterogeneous groups. This can be a game-changer in the professional world. This can inspire employees to perform to the highest of their abilities. Tara applies the social justice perspective to helping her clients understand: She also starts to help them think about ability, religion, and education as categories they can understand within the social justice perspective on diversity. Meaningful diversity and inclusion initiatives should be a foundational part of your organizations ethicsand not just because the world is demanding action. This perspective maintains that there are always issues of power and oppression at play when there is diversity. I still struggle with small triggers, like when I go through airport security and feel a suspicious glance toward me, or when I feel self-conscious for bringing kabsa to school lunch. managing diversity and ethics in the workplace. The opinions expressed in Global Learning are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications. Previously, Coln led, All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2023, The Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3. 0000001076 00000 n Not only is diversity crucial for creativity and social justice, but also research shows that a diverse workplace is good for the bottom line. %%EOF It tends to consider some kinds of diversity, like race, as more important than others, like age. First, diversity or multiculturalism is justified on the basis of justice, in that it helps ensure a more equal access to quality psychological services to persons from traditionally marginalized groups who otherwise would not find them available. Approaching cultural diversity with a mindset and actions that embrace this fact leads to many benefits, like: Compassion: Communication and understanding of differences leads to increased compassion instead of judgment. Ethical per-spectives help us identify and define problems, force us to think systematically, encourage us to view issues from many different vantage points, and provide us with decision-making guidelines. - Cookeville, TN (38506), Chief Content Officer - KUOW - Seattle, WA (98105), WUNC Director of Digital Content - Durham, NC (27701). Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Aly Coln is the John S. and James L. Knight Chair in Journalism Ethics at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. 1 0 obj 245 0 obj Through the experience of this final level, all students should come to an understanding of how diverse perspectives impact their field and profession. 0000000016 00000 n Here are 3 benefits to embracing diversity in the workplace. Buy This. I'll briefly summarize each perspective and then offer It requires us to learn about diversity in all areas, includingrace, ethnicity, culture, class, ideology, religion, abilities, sexual orientation, gender, and politics. How does diversity inform effective practice? This level should address both the Recognize and Know levels from the original DP ISLO text, so the student needs to acknowledge and think about their own perspective/worldview while also gathering factual information about others. Other comments he describes include, 'You're so much smarter than mostpeople like you.'. The connection between . 0000060454 00000 n In the Common Application and applications for several other colleges, some main essay prompts ask about how your background, identity, or experience has affected you. And 41% of managers admit to being too busy to implement diversity inclusion programs, Diversity has been shown to boost creativity, What is the skill you value most in your people? answered Creativity., 87% of participants said career and professional growth opportunities were important to them, 64% of candidates research a company online, 1 in 3 will not apply for a position at a company that lacks diversity, Teams outperform individuals when making decisions and that improves as diversity increases, 70% likelihood of capturing new markets by companies with a diverse workforce. The following semester, I joined Model UN. Steele began addressing the intersection between the two in 1993 when he co-authored, with Jay Black and Ralph Barney, the first edition of Doing Ethics in Journalism: A Handbook with Case Studies.. 219 0 obj In my experience, culturally diverse voices working together on a team are overall more efficient and successful. Or consider this last example: A psychologist sometimes worked with Spanish-surnamed patients and was always careful to ensure that they were comfortable using English (or getting an interpreter if they were not). Supporting diverse groups is not easy. Before you start reinventing your hiring and onboarding processes, there are a multitude of things to consider. 0000029476 00000 n <>stream Theres plenty of criticism of Fox News, particularly in light of the latest lawsuit revelations. She and I had a really special bond, even creating our own special language to leave each other secret notes and messages. The second principle, independence, urges us to seek out and disseminate competing perspectives without being unduly influenced by those who would use their power or position counter to the public interest.It also notes that good ethical decisions benefit from collaboration. Bob added the following comments when I asked him how he saw the relationship: Ive approached this diversity-ethics connection in much the same way over the past 14 years in my teaching here at Poynter and in newsrooms. 0000005725 00000 n 0000001529 00000 n give an example of a time when you intentionally looked at other diverse and ethical perspectives in order to make a better more ethical decision. This course should require students to gather factual information about DP in different ways and bring them together in a cohesive manner to demonstrate their understanding. Doing sohelps us find fresh frames we can use toaddress and understandissues. 0000004037 00000 n Social Identity Theory. 220 0 obj If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the Cite this Scribbr article button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator. Step 1: Describe how your background and unique perspectives would be a valuable addition to the team. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Rect[81.0 653.064 281.7692 707.064]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Diversity in the workplace means employing people of different ages, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, and education levels. One approach to an ethics of diversity for healthcare professionals is a call for intimate listening to the stories of those who are different, who may be unseen, marginalized, and excluded in our health care systems. How to accurately evaluate refugees in light of stressful or traumatic experiences that they may have encountered? Operations Management questions and answers. Fostering a space in which diverse perspectives and voices are shared with respect, acceptance, and tolerance can be challenging, but the results are worth the efforts in overcoming the difficulties. fundamental differences remain in matters of ethics, religion, and human well-being, what is reasonable from one perspective will remain contentious from others. Requiring students to learn about and explore diverse perspectives should be a primary focus of the course. As a public-health professional, I often educate diverse groups of adults. The handbook included a chapter on Diversity, five case studies, and two checklists. All Practicing level experiences should require students to synthesize knowledge and practice. As we sat in the line snaking around the AMC theater, I thought back to when Maria and I took salsa classes together and when we belted out Selenas Bidi Bidi Bom Bom at karaoke. 207 0 obj For example, gender diversity will bring in investment and innovation from different gender; cultural diversity will bring in ideas and traditional wisdom from other cultures; age diversity will bring in experience and problem-solving methods from people with different historical experiences. Revised on The Importance of Diverse Perspectives and How to Foster Them. 0000005675 00000 n 0000009322 00000 n However, an African American social worker explained to me that African American males are used to being called by their first names by all Whites, regardless of their age or status. The connection between ethics and diversity has a long history at Poynter. At highly competitive schools, supplemental diversity essays require students to address how they will enhance the student body with a unique perspective, identity, or background. 0000005869 00000 n A team that has a variety of worldview perspectives can educate employees and clients, and reach untapped customer demographics. For example, when merging with another healthcare organization, a new brand identity can help communicate a unified vision and establish a clear brand hierarchy. While it may be tempting to write about how you have been more or less fortunate than those around you, keep the focus on you and your unique experiences, as shown below. Unlike the powerful, whom we hold accountable, the voiceless must depend upon the news media to find them and include them in the civic conversation central to our democracy. 0000000016 00000 n Ethics and diversity are more than words joinedin my title. The opinions of people outside of your organization. Psychologists utilize a variety of perspectives when studying how people think, feel, and behave. A reading of journalisms guiding principles, developed by Bob Steele, Nelson Poynter Scholar for Journalism Values, offers some clues. The EIN for the organization is 59-1630423. I am the first person in my family to even consider going to college. All rights reserved. 212 0 obj Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Experienced workshop and dialogue facilitators are able to elicit a wide range of perspectives and include a variety of voices. xref 0000035116 00000 n Randi Weingarten visited Ukraine on Oct. 10the day Russian missiles slammed into Lviv, Kyiv, and other cities. These two areas share common ground. Aparatoso accidente en Villa Altagracia. what influence did they have? Companies with diverse teams are better able to meet the needs of a diverse customer base. Tres personas fallecieron y una result gravemente herida la noche del pasado domingo alrededor de las 10:30 luego que el vehculo que lo transportaba, un carro marca Toyota color negro se deslizara y luego cayera desde lo alto de la autopista Duarte, en Villa Altagracia. Provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your outlook, activities, and goals. If relevant, you should also mention how your background has led you to apply for this university and why youre a good fit. ft. of new classroom and lab spaces. 4 0 obj 137 We tend to . Purpose: This tutorial reviews the complexity of issues and definitions around topics of diversity. She told her internship students that they should feel free to challenge her during supervision. Recognition of diverse perspectives requires the self-awareness, intellectual flexibility, and broad knowledge that enables perception of the world through the eyes of others. I connect diversity to craft in much the same way we connect other elements of ethics and ethical decision-making to craft.. What teaching technique can help psychologists become more alert to their blind spots (e.g., well meaning people may have implicit prejudices outside of their conscious awareness; Knapp, 2007)? hb```c``90! 20X8>: ya7N~`wrgNyY"ttP\!P. Diversity essays ask students to highlight an important aspect of their identity, background, culture, experience, viewpoints, beliefs, skills, passions, goals, etc. In college, I am looking forward to joining a chapter of Future Farmers of America and studying agricultural business to carry my familys legacy forward. To write an effective diversity essay, include vulnerable, authentic stories about your unique identity, background, or perspective. Studies have shown that, whether on a school campus, in a community centre, on a sports pitch, or in any setting that brings together diverse youth, ensuring all are heard helps to improve the overall performance not just of the individual, but also of the group that shares in and benefits from that diversity. ISLO 6 Diverse Perspectives I began to despair when the FAFSA website once again filled with red error messages. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Rect[471.492 617.1 549.0 629.1]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> I spoke to people who, despite lack of resources, showed generosity and dignity. HWnG}' MwbJll?&9\hP=U3[,mS>#}_?Y|\(i2Kc:ELy\PEoE#S% D4..^VEMd"H_+@1HtEof5R("_nog? Perhaps this particular university has an active affinity group youd like to join. Understand: Display understanding and awareness of others perspectives. It moves past cosmetic diversity to more substantive and meaningful change. 0000025925 00000 n The greater knowledge you have, the more independence you have in doing your journalism., Finally, our third guiding principle minimize harm advises journalists to be compassionate and treat sources, subjects, and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect, not merely as a means to your journalistic ends.. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Rect[81.0 649.2 281.7692 661.2]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> 0000008029 00000 n Diverse teams naturally eliminate the standard approach to problem solving. Tara listens carefully and encourages the man think about how the social justice perspective might help him make sense of these experiences. Few psychologists end up being disciplined specifically for violating enforceable ethical standards related to diversity or multiculturalism. When empowered, young people can become powerful advocates for peace and unity within their own communities. Demonstrating how a universitys specific programs or clubs are relevant to you can show that youve done your research and would be a great addition to the university. What Would Motivate Teens to Work Harder in School? xb```xVPA20pL`@#g32HKp!fZL$8O0wjv+U -Re 8l|n\j9+dGcW`rLY[}$8*`kvQ=E=bM]J]eftly^]7KC?rc\e PK~z*m]WfzQI5A%aRqqA pFR endobj 1 -i.e., from the perspectives of diverse cultures and personalities, with consideration of varied places, histories, and technologies. 0000003026 00000 n To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. <> 0000012247 00000 n <>/Border[0 0 0]/Rect[342.81 647.0 540.0 665.0]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 26 0 R 27 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> After sharing relevant personal stories, make sure to provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your perspective, activities, and goals. Exposing students to diverse perspectives should be a primary focus of the course. endobj endstream endobj 121 0 obj<> endobj 122 0 obj<> endobj 123 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 124 0 obj<> endobj 125 0 obj<> endobj 126 0 obj<> endobj 127 0 obj<> endobj 128 0 obj<> endobj 129 0 obj<> endobj 130 0 obj<> endobj 131 0 obj<>stream For example, consider the experience of one psychologist supervisor who was trying very conscientiously to develop a supervisory relationship based on her deeply held moral values of trust and empowerment. Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community, which is why they assign a diversity essay. Carol Ann Underwood is a graduate student at The University of Alabama, working towards her master's degree in advertising and public relations. Understanding the psychology and philosophy of diversity is complex and involves thinking about a variety of perspectives. 0000006648 00000 n Unique ways of thinking and ideologies aid in decision-making, brainstorming, and boost workplace etiquette. 5. 215 0 obj 0000002800 00000 n SRJC supports equal access for all students and multi-ethnic global perspectives and cultural competencies. 0000004761 00000 n For example: At the same time, Tara knows that the psychology of diversity is a complicated, nuanced field, and that it is important to think about a wide variety of perspectives in her work. In that moment, as I munched on a chicken tamale, I realized how much I admired the beauty, complexity, and joy in Marias culture but had suppressed and devalued my own. La persona . This level should be tied both to the program/major and to real-world experience. My Chinese was littered with tonal errors, and I was instantly labeled as an ABC, American-born Chinese. 3 credits from Diverse Perspectives Foundation list, 3 credits from Diverse Perspectives Essential Practicelist, 1 course, defined by program, that integrates diverse perspectives in the context of the major. Workplace Diversity Creates Greater Opportunities for Professional Growth. You should also explain how your background led you to apply to this university and why youre a good fit. Exposure to theory should occur at this level as well, so that students are able to write and talk about Diverse Perspectives using common, explicable terminology. The impact of diversity and cultural responsiveness are presented in the context of ethics in the practice of speech-language pathology, audiology, and speech-language-hearing-swallowing sciences. Some examples of identities or experiences that you might write about include the following: Include vulnerable, authentic stories about your lived experiences. A company that actively encourages diversity in the workplace will see more perspectives being discussed and more solutions being thought of than ever before. Through the diversity essay, admissions officers want students to articulate the following: Think about what aspects of your identity or background make you unique, and choose one that has significantly impacted your life. 209 0 obj 0000005369 00000 n Keith Woods, Poynters Reporting & Writing Group Leader, believes diversity makes it possible for journalists to be more independent because it broadens our base of sources. This lesson offers an overview and example that will help you understand the social justice perspective of diversity. 0000024157 00000 n And any discussion of ethics would be incomplete without it. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Rect[81.0 211.8 136.248 223.8]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Many universities believe a student body composed of different perspectives, beliefs, identities, and backgrounds will enhance the campus learning and community experience. Overview. Learning involves stretching and growing, and being challenged by new ideas and perspectives. Teams outperform individuals when making decisions and that improves as diversity increases. 0000006229 00000 n She always pushed me to succeed in school, and celebrated every academic achievement like it was worthy of a Nobel Prize. Perspectives and how to accurately evaluate refugees in light of the course workplace will see perspectives... 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