battle brothers nimble forge

You pay up front (a perk point) in exchange for an insurance policy that only rewards you during a bad event (death). Berserk is great to get more attacks per turn. If you can skip on Brawny then you can obviously take a different perk instead, so think about what is more valuable to you (perk/statwise) rather than just assuming Brawny is needed. Relentless and wait synergyAs Resilient works well with the wait command, it can combo nicely with Relentless so that you can wait every turn while maintaining high initiative. Characters receive a hidden +3 Resolve on negative morale checks for each adjacent ally. Getting a Mace bro near her and using Adrenaline can be a great way to try and get a Stun in which can potentially win the fight. Shooting targets in the front can still lead to scatter shots, but they are less likely since you will be less likely to miss in the first place. If you are worried about those types of enemies then Brow can help a bit. Are two additional bag slots needed?Usually, the answer would be negative. The Whip should not be used as a primary weapon but the bleeding can be good against Nimble enemies once their armor is down. Nimble gets exponentially worse the higher the FAT penalty, so best keep close to the 40% value. It is easy to see why. Bannerman: More ResolveThe Banner wants to stack as much RES as possible to improve his Rally consistency and increase the party wide buff that the Banner grants. On a per hit basis they do less damage than the above options, but with Bleed damage and Decapitate added in they can out dps Mace/Hammer in some matchups, notably against Nimble enemies like Conscripts. If you leave a low HP/RDF archer in the open he can get peppered. See Backstabber if you need to see how surrounding works Underdog and Backstabber cancel each other out, giving normal surround effects when both are in play Worth 5 avoidance against two opponents, 10 avoidance against three opponents, and so on Does not provide extra benefit against enemy 2-range Polearm strikes compared to direct melee attackers. You can of course use both. Frontline shield tanks supported by Overwhelm from elsewhere are extremely durable. : 1v1: (1 1) * 5 = 0 surround bonus. Ex. With a 75% Ignore stat you are almost always doing way more than 10 damage so Destroy Armor makes you worse against most foes not named Orc Warrior or bigger. Mind is an auto-pick here. Since you often dont deploy Bows against Undead/Ancient Dead the lack of Executioner value there isnt even a concern. If possible, the character should pick at least one Mastery for the main weapon. Heavy Chosen (190 hat, 230 body): No Perks: 7.05 shots to kill on average. Sure, let's walk through the correct answer (for front liners). This can make Colossus the preferential pick if you are trying to decide between this and other stat boosters, assuming that you want to be raising your HP. just picked up this game and this is EXACTLY what i need to help me understand the perks. HH is quite bad on the 3Head even though the 3Head really wants to spam Hail constantly, because it just doesnt work for it. Remember, the more MDF the better. Nimble on the other hand relies on its hp stat to tank and is very likely to be hit by Bleeds, so Resilient is slightly more useful on Nimble than on Forge. The Bear Indom and Glorious Endurance compliment each otherThe Bear (Gladiator origin) unique perk requires you to take a couple of hits to build up stacks and gain damage reduction. The extra shield damage can help against Schrats, and Conscripts lack Shield Expert meaning a most 1H Axes with spec and one shot their shields, but otherwise shield breaking is not usually worth your AP/FAT. This is a great change, preventing the rare but incredibly frustrating case where your 9L procs and then you immediately die to Bleed anyway. GrenadesAcid, Holy Water, and the new bombs in Blazing Deserts. Nimble/ForgeSee discussion section for detailed thoughts on these. Position your LW accordingly on the left if he is to deal with that, or the right if he should be away. Then on turn 3 you should go last because you are a slow Forge unit, meaning your Indom/Spearwall/Reach/etc holds through turn 3 as well, allowing you to get two turns out of one use of the skill. In this regard, Gifted is even stronger on talented bros or bros with many Veteran levels, not worse. If you have any advice for improving the guide or want to offer a differing opinion then please feel free to share in the comments. This is a much safer LW build than the Greataxe. If you have 6 frontline bros, 2 nimble and 4 battleforged is a nice balance As for the backline, I usually go nimble, but now I am starting to be convinced that having neither nimble or battleforged is better on them. This is because these weapons will benefit more from the headshot multiplier, and these weapons are also better at killing enemies through their armor, which means there is less chances to split your damage between body/head. If you are spamming Indomitable then raising your HP becomes a lot less meaningful due to the way Indom works in the damage calculation (see the Indom section). You are much more resistant to injuries with 80-90+ HP than with 60 HP. A safe back liner can get away with less. Gunners are an exception, being the only fragile unit Gilded will field and they are highly dangerous. You can . Dagger MasteryDaggers/Qatal can attack three times per turn with Mastery which means three Overwhelms. Warbows: Increased consistency of first shot injuryWarbows with CS are a great way to tag multiple enemies early on in a fight with Injuries for later exploitation by Executioner bros (or the Warbow user himself). Recover supportThe larger your Fatigue pool is, the more that you can get back with Recover. Crossbow/Bow + Polearm wants QH. For example, lets say you want to get your Resolve up and you want to put at least three levels into it. Melee Defense (MDF) gets exponentially more valuable the more you already have. + Better against high damage enemies+ Useful for sacrificial decoys Does nothing for you if you arent dying Doesnt solve the problem if you are dying; high possibility you die anyway, When it procs, saves your life with 5-10 HP returned Can be procd by DoT effects like Bleeding/Miasma When it procs, will clear any existing Bleeding/Poison stacks When it procs, grants +15 MDF/RDF/RES/INI until bros next action. On the defensive side, Shield Expert is +5 MDF or +10 while Shieldwalling. Early game: Battles are short and units are fragileBecause early fights are short you have plenty of Fatigue to burn, you could reasonably cast Adrenaline several times. You have a lot of cheap and weak bros who cant hit anything, have no defense, and dont have enough durability to take hits to begin with. You cant always just stand around and let the enemies walk into you. See how well critics are rating the Best Video Games of All Time - Page 40 One, you can use it to help protect valuable brothers you want to make sure stay alive to a high level. An Anticipation archer left in the open may even draw arrows away from other units, which may be advantageous. Relentless starts with nothing and gains some value over time. Now it can serve as a damage perk that should be considered with and against the likes of Executioner and Frenzy. Finally, battles are usually small and short so Dodge getting weaker over the battle isnt really a problem because battles end quickly. Kiting: Make enemies chase you across the mapPolearms are already a good kiting weapon due to the their reach and 5AP costs. The higher your base headshot chance, the more relative gain (to headshot chance) that you get from HH. Recover can help support Adrenaline spamming, but if you just need to use it once or twice in a battle to gain an advantage then you dont necessarily need Recover for it. See the Game Mechanics section if you are unclear on this. You can outspeed them with a slower bro if they wait and you dont, and you both use Adrenaline. Also note that the part about heavy injuries is the chance that you reach the heavy injury threshold, but you may still get a light injury instead. Nimble is an obvious example that makes an enormous impact on a bros durability. Theyve got curved swords Curved. Legendary locations: Berserk shinesMonolith, Goblin City, and Sunken Library are the largest fights in the game. Attributes are character stats that affect combat performance. Tanks: Durability and controlRegardless of how else you build your tank, hes probably going to want the strongest defensive perk in the game both to keep himself safe and to control dangerous enemies. Their weapons (particularly the Mace/Hammer) come with extremely high AID and damage, and Chosen can come in hordes. NimbleForge Meme or supreme?Given that both Nimble and Forge power relies on extreme specialization, using them in conjunction rarely makes sense. As armor is lost the value will slide back up to 40%. Not that Berserk is bad in these fights, but there are limits. 2Handers like Mace and Hammer are even capable of one shotting enemies like Footman and Ancient Dead once Frenzy is online. There have been minor edits/changes overall throughout the guide. Legacy information: Anticipation used to be goodPrior to the B&E DLC, Nimble was terrible which made heavy armor the only viable option to not be at risk of immediate death all of the time. These guys arent a threat without the units accompanying them. Overwhelm and/or setup bros: Frenzy is contradictoryFaster bros can be used to setup kills for slower bros with Frenzy to capitalize. Being unzoned and highly mobile also helps them find good targets. Also be warned that your own Nimble bros will need to be more concerned about eating Ancient Dead attacks and other Fearsome enemies for the same reason. If you are wondering about Brute, it is only ever so slightly more useful on Flail Duelists than on other Duelists, so Brute alone shouldnt necessarily make you think you should use Flail. You can translate your Gifted gains into other stats. To illustrate, lets assume we kill an Ancient Legionary in 3 hits. Great job man much appreciated. Unique formations can provide more opportunities for good Underdog value. Indom is probably the strongest perk in the game, but you are not forced to use it on everybody to survive. Notably Ancient Dead and some large Beasts because their RES is too high. Nimble: 40/160 Brow line beats other 40% Nimble linesNimble does a wonderful job of mitigating the occasional headshot that you might take, but Brow does allow for a unique armor line to be used that takes advantage of how Nimble works. Premium heavy injuriesFractured Skull and Concussion are among the best injuries in the game. A small benefit that is certainly weaker than taking a real perk in its place. Gifted/Backstabber dont fall off at high Skill levels in the same way that FA does. Peasant Militia and Manhunters origin: More bros, more surroundsPeasants get to field more bros and lose access to the skilled expensive backgrounds. Dodge supportYou certainly do not need Resilient to make use of Dodge, but there are a number of status effects (Stagger/Daze/Poison/Flies/Distracted/Shellshocked/Withered) that will reduce your Initiative and kill your Dodge value. Our brother has no other perks here. The impact of this is marginal at best. A scattered shot has a penalty to hit chance against the new tile/target (flat -15% drop). Therefore, it is entirely possible to maintain near full Dodge value through an entire fight. Some builds and weapons hardly accumulate Fatigue at all, allowing you to maintain high Dodge value easily. Updated Overwhelm maximum stack count (there is none). Description. 1% injured by 3rd shot. These stats are displayed in the lower left area of the character screen. When using top of the line non-famed armor the value caps at 18-19 Fatigue which is 4.5-4.75 levels worth of Fatigue which is a pretty good value. A tank doing this can jump into or near the Ambushers, forcing them to waste time moving around instead of shooting. shieldbros). Pathfinder is good on any unit. The less obvious reason is that every turn they spend trying to break your shield, is a turn they arent trying to kill you. This caps at 100 RES. But 10% of the targets remaining armor, after armor damage has been accounted, is subtracted from this. Also clears any damage over time effects and increases stats when triggered. Making them a tank with Taunt can make sense. The more i use is good for bf, yeah ok, but they get even slower. Battle Brothers is a turn based tactical RPG which has you leading a mercenary company in a gritty, low-power, medieval fantasy world. Expected armor saved thanks to Forge is shown in the last column.AttackerBaseForgeDiff.Diff.%+ArmorAmbusher17.5721.644.0723%108Guard6.457.711.2620%121Chosen2.622.840.228%78. Furthermore, it doesnt cost a perk point since Bow or Crossbow Mastery can be picked instead of Bags. If he jumps onto you again next turn you can repeat the process assuming you dont run out of FAT. Shamshir is also slightly weaker than a Noble Sword, trading 10% armor damage and Riposte for the ability to Gash. Even high SKL bros can benefit from accuracy perks, but lower SKL bros will benefit more. With Resilient as well you can completely avoid status like this. Armor Ignoring DamageIn order to make use of CS, we want to injure enemies before having to fully destroy their armor, so understanding this part of the damage formula is helpful. Buying and finding very heavy armor takes time which is why Forge, unlike Nimble, does not perform well in the early to mid game with mostly 200 durability armors. How much you care about Recover is going to depend a lot on your builds and playstyle. + Saves FAT, usually worth it for this alone+ Provides additional boons of varying strength Some Masteries are more impactful to their weapon class than others Some builds dont need one. Famed 300 armors have a wide range of FAT costs that will impact Brawny value. Note that Additional Fur Padding (AFP) attachment reduces the amount of AID you take. Crossbows/Throwing: Anti-Chosen specialistFor the most part CS on Crossbows/Throwing is wasted because these weapons already have very high Ignore% with their respective specializations and Duelist for Throwing that makes them very effective at dealing injuries by default. This calculates and displays a character's Effective Hitpoints (EHP), which is an estimation of the character's total hitpoints when incoming damage is being reduced. WarbowsThe community seems to like Overwhelm archery but it has some problems. Again, there are many ways to be successful in Battle Brothers. Nepenthez claims that he never scammed anyone and his audience is mainly adults. Gaining skill does become less helpful the more you have though, so lower skill units will benefit more than higher skill units. The harder Barb fights will also have Unholds in the mix. Since the backline isnt zoned, they also have the freedom to move around to wherever the Rotation is needed as well. Whats the takeaway here? Your action can only gain HH once, regardless of when that happens. You can reasonably skip Mastery for an extra perk as well. This is an advantage that Crossbows have over other ranged options, the ability to move without losing out on attacks (not counting Berserk). Going from 6AP to 5AP is a huge deal, vastly improving the mobility and utility of the weapon class. All of them. The third way is to have high base MDF. For example, a Warhammer bro would be better with a Sword in a regular Unhold fight even if he has Hammer Mastery, so give him a sword for that fight. Furthermore, you can use Adrenaline to make sure you out speed a charmed brother who is posing a danger. Overwhelm archery appreciates a high base INI and/or Relentless to work against more targets. (IDK, maybe you got the joke.). In this regard, Anticipation suffers terribly from a win-more problem. This combo defined the WotN meta. With the nerf to 1AP, this is no longer possible. It is hard to put concrete value on how often this is factoring to compare against other perks, but is good to be aware that Minds value extends beyond the raw RES gain, which can help it compete with the other boosters. The use cases will have many of the common ways to take advantage of QH. A perfect Wolf Helmet and Alloy Plate (175/350), and many other options between would also work. Added Duelist with Firelance Ignite mechanic. Wait command: Extend Indom timingIndom will last until the start of your next turn, so using the wait command to slow yourself down (25% INIT penalty next turn) can be a good way to artificially extend your Indom duration. In abnormal biomes Pathfinder allows units to move an extra tile (3AP -> 2), and in the case of elevated Forest/Snow you can move two extra tiles (4AP -> 2). Having a high HP count is important in the Monolith where you have a long battle and multiple Priests to contend with. Be cautious about Shaman Flies however, if you are only sending one bro forward and he isnt a tank. My perspective is that of Expert Economy and Combat, Low Funds and Ironman using all DLC and no mods. It's both dude, so the bf and nimble stats are both there at the same time, Yeah I know what you mean pal and I'd nearly always take dodge on a nimble bro and nearly all my tanks are BG. While Bags is not necessary to use any of these tools, they are good options to have somewhere on the team, and can be good options to use with any extra bag slots you have. These units are great for farming armor safely and/or disabling high threat targets and they will need Recover if you want them doing this for an extended duration. Splitting one or two shields in the Footman/AD/Conscript line can help your team breakthrough. : 40 base RES is +10 and 43 base RES is also +10 Updates as your bro levels and gains more points Modifies after traits like Brave/Fearless Modifies Resolve gained from Trophies or the Sash Modifies Resolve gained from the Banner aura and Lionheart Potions Refer to thislink to see various Resolve checks/modifiers. Hammer tends to tie or beat Mace against enemies with even somewhat low armor, but the Mace is a more balanced weapon overall. Killing an enemy by Ignoring their armor is a lot stronger than having to wear down their armor first. You can use it to swap a weapon for next turn. Understanding Warrior control is the biggest step to safely skipping on FW. With some luck, you can deal injuries that cut HP by a % on the first attack and potentially deal a lot of free damage. Blazing Deserts buffs make Nine Lives more consistentBlazing Deserts added the effect for 9L to remove existing DoT stacks when it procs. Forge impacts weak and medium attacks far more than high damage threats that heavy armor is vulnerable to. Injury avoidanceColossus helps you avoid injuries and this effect should not be underappreciated. When HH is gained, the next target will be guaranteed to headshot (if it hits) and the stack will then be removed either way. Each monologue entry includes the character's name, the first line of the speech, whether it is verse or prose, and shows the act, scene & line number. Keep in mind the added FAT cost of carrying around multiple weapons/items. Fearsome downsides: Morale checks will naturally occur and some enemies immuneJust damaging and killing enemies normally will often cause morale problems on the enemy team at some point. It is a global damage increase (and quite a large one) after you get a kill, which means if you can consistently be getting kills then you are consistently doing extra damage without really any strings attached except for getting it online in the first place and keeping it going. Named armor efficiency firstSome named armor types are always a good fit, like the Wolf Helmet. For example you can move 5 tiles in one turn by having someone rotate a bro forward and then that bro moving 4 tiles. Add FW into the mix and you can reasonably kite enemies around. Using a mix of both light armored and heavy armored characters is recommended. An Indom user locks down Unholds and Warriors, keeping your vulnerable backliners safe from annoying Throwing and Pushing skills, which makes these battles much easier. Gain an additional stacking +10% chance to hit with each attack that misses an opponent. Mace and HammerThe best non-Orc Duelists tend to be Mace and Hammer. Depending on how you want to play your Fencer, Underdog might be very good for you. Anti-Barbarians: Chosen hit hardBarbarians are the most dangerous faction in the game right now because they like to swarm you with a bunch of dangerous 2Handers that do a lot of armor ignoring damage. What returns can be expected from increasing MDF for different starting values? This guide is not short. Early game perks are very impactful to your weak bros and skipping on them for Student is a greed play that you should not be making unless you are comfortable with the game. As an accuracy perk, FA often gets compared against Gifted and Backstabber. A 2,000 sq. So it is hard to actually benefit from high RDF, unless the opponent targeting behavior can be predicted and somewhat controlled. An 80 FAT pool is high, and the maximum defensive benefit of Relentless can often be 5 or even 4. Anti-GeistGeist screams will generate 4 morale checks against all of your brothers in 3 range. Early game: Your bros stink and Gifted really helpsGifted is a great perk in the early game. When pushing into enemy lines it is very nice not to have to worry about giving the enemy extra accuracy. It is not too hard to have cleared the map, including legendary locations, by day 150 or 200 with a team of mostly average to good bros. 0% injury on first shot. Designated MartyrsThis isnt a strategy that I am much of a fan of because I think it is needlessly costly, a waste of XP, and not necessary. I mentioned 2Handers already but of course you can use it with Duelists as well (not Orc Duelists). You cannot gain Confidence from Rally Formula: Targets current RES + 40% of Rally users RES 10 * distance from user. The bonus goes to +10 when Shieldwalling and that is quite good, even if you probably wont be Shieldwalling all of the time unless it is a super tank build that never attacks. Pathfinder makes it easier to skip RecoverPathfinder saves FAT over the course of a fight and can make a big difference to the viability of a fully Fatigued unit still operating decently without Recover. To some degree, this puts Fearsome in league with things like CS and Overwhelm, as you are attacking an enemy to give them debuffs. Nimble and Forge: Nimble and Battle Forged are the go-to mitigation perks so they will be referenced a lot when talking about other perks, as most bros will want one or the other. Because of these increasing returns, Dodge is a pretty good to amazing pickup on really any Nimble front line build that isnt immediately guzzling their Fatigue. Legionary in 3 hits Veteran levels, not worse example that makes an enormous on! ; s walk through the correct answer ( for front liners ) character screen end quickly value an. An obvious example that makes an enormous impact on a bros durability a mercenary company in gritty. 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